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Action Needed: Current Trail Advocacy Campaigns

This thread will attempt keep up to date on trail advocacy campaigns currently requiring action.
It's worth noting that behind there scenes there is pretty constant stream of lobbing by riders and their supporters. Many people do a lot of work on this, which inevitably leads to some government or local authority department putting out some plan or strategy or policy document for public comment.
This is where you come in: Without public support for such documents, all the work in the background to persuade authorities to get this far will have been for nothing!
Your support usually only takes a few minutes. The usual way would be to write a simple, sometimes even one line email to support the published plans. Sometimes completion of an online form. Sometimes just a couple of clicks to vote in a poll.
Please take a moment of your time to review any current action threads below and write/email/call/whatever best you can to do your part.
After all - these campaigns are for better trails for you and your fellow riders.
P.S. Comments on this thread are disabled on purpose, please start a new thread or comment on a topic below.
Current Actions
Report backs new tracks for mountain bike riders - closes 15 December 2011
Past Actions
Northern Sydney Mountain Bike Program - Berowra Valley Regional Park - 11:00am, 5 November 2011
Northern Sydney Mountain Bike Program - Garigal National Park - 11:00am, 29 October 2011
Draft Newcastle Cycling Strategy and Action Plan - closes 10 October 2011
Lake Parramatta draft POM on exhibition - closes 7 October 2011
Hornsby Mountain Bike Park (submit a short letter) - closes 30 September 2011
Freedom Dirt Jumps: Urgent Action Needed - 10 September 2011
Manly Dam Issues and Directions Discussion Paper - Please Comment - closes 14 January 2011
Narrabeen Lagoon Plan of Management Input - closes 19 December 2010
BMCC delivers the news on the Knapsack Downhill Track - 7:30pm, 14 December 2010
Manly Dam Community Workshop - 6:30pm, 29 November 2010
Golden Jubilee Field Mountain Bike Park - closes 25 November 2010
Narrabeen Lagoon Plan of Management Community Workshop #2 - 6:30pm, 25 November 2010
Western Sydney Parklands - closes 22 November 2010
One more week for comments on Ingleside Chase Reserve PoM - closes 5 November 2010
Mountain bike riders set to blaze a trail through national parks - closes 25 October 2010
Narrabeen Lagoon Plan of Management Community Workshop - 6:30pm, 21 October 2010
NSW NPWS mountain biking public forum (Port Macquarie) - 6pm, 19 October 2010
BMCC Public Meeting - "Draft Mountain Bike Track Plan for Knapsack Reserve" - 7:30pm, 18 October 2010
NSW NPWS mountain biking public forum (Sutherland) - 6pm, 13 October 2010
NSW NPWS mountain biking public forum (Jindabyne) - 6pm, 12 October 2010
Oxford Falls Regional Crown Reserve Draft Plan of Management - closes 7 October 2010
NSW NPWS mountain biking public forum (Sydney North) - 6pm, 7 October 2010
NSW NPWS mountain biking public forum (Springwood) - 6pm, 5 October 2010
NSW NPWS mountain biking public forum (Nowra) - 6pm, 30 September 2010
Northbridge Pump Track/ Skills Park - work starts Sept 28th, need volunteers - 28 September (for approx. 1 week)
Public Forum on Discussion Paper: Newcastle 23rd September - 6pm-8pm at Kahibah Bowling Club - 6pm, 23 September 2010
Ku-ring-gai Unstructured Recreation Strategy - please comment! - closes 16 September 2010
NPWS issues - It's time for some letter writing! - May 2010
Blue Mountains riders need your help - April 2010
Council to vote on WSN Site (Belrose Tip) future on Tuesday - closes 27 April 2010
Please vote for DH in the mountains - March 2010