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trail advocacy

Action Needed: Current Trail Advocacy Campaigns
This thread will attempt keep up to date on trail advocacy campaigns currently requiring action.
It's worth noting that behind there scenes there is pretty constant stream of lobbing by riders and their supporters. Many people do a lot of work on this, which inevitably leads to some government or local authority department putting out some plan or strategy or policy document for public comment.
This is where you come in: Without public support for such documents, all the work in the background to persuade authorities to get this far will have been for nothing!

Trail Advocacy - write to members of Federal Parliament
For anyone that wants to write to a Federal Parliamentarian, please target your letters to:
Northern Suburbs Ministers
Member for Mackellar
Ms Bronwyn Bishop (Liberal)

Trail Advocacy - write to members of NSW parliament
For anyone wanting to write to a member of NSW parliament, here are some details to target your letters.
Below are Ministers in the electorates we ride in and should deal with issues related to their area. For details of departmental ministers see this thread.
There is a crude search here to find ministers.

Manly Dam - Volunteer Trail Maintenance dates for the rest of 2018
If you’re keen to help out then here’s a chance to plug one of these dates into your diary
Still trying to tie up some loose ends for this months effort so stay tuned for more details
21st July
18th August
15th September
20th October
17th November

February '17 Trail Advocacy Round Up
Just a heads up on a few trail advocacy happenings mentioned in the forum lately.
First off, our friends over at BMORC have locked in 4 maintenance days this year, starting on Feb 25 with Knapsack Build Day - XC and DH. All the dates are in the calendar. See their announcement for more details and discussion: 2017 - Knapsack Trail Day Schedule.
Then we have a couple of consultations here or coming up in the local area:
- Eastern Blue Mountains Escarpment Master Plan survey - Thanks to BikePhysio for the heads up, and as he says, "Please take time to invest in their very short survey and propose more cycling infrastructure including the reopening of the old Glenbrook tunnel."
- OMV public consult coming soon - Your chance to have your say on restoration of public land around the existing OMV site. Naturally, the more voices asking for extended MTB infrastructure the better. Be heard! And thanks to Hawkeye for kindly volunteering to liaise on this matter - it's a pretty dry and thankless task but someone has to do it!

Dirt Nights @ Forestville
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Forestville Rugby, End of Currie Road
Talk Dirt, Bikes and other interesting chatter. Enjoy some discounted food and drink.
This is your forum for exchanging feedback, ideas and otherwise back to the club, local riders and local trail builders.
Local trails nearby to ride on before hand or during as well as plenty of room to get the bikes out and learn some new tricks or some tips from Sydney MTB riders coaches.
Last Wednesday of every month.
Come join us at the end of Currie Road, Forestville. Right near the new Bantry Bay trails. Everyone is welcome.

MTBA - new way forward for trail advocacy! (a.k.a. what now given that IMBA-AU has folded)
just spotted this article on the MTBA website ..
Since we're massively under served in terms of trail destinations and facilities I think this is an important discussion topic. Mine's a very Sydney centric view of life. I know things are on the improve but the pace of change is frustratingly glacial.

Manly Dam - trail maintenance afternoon
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
we'll meet near the intersection of Cootamundra Dr and Monserra Rd on the Allambie side of the trail.
register here on Nobmob if you have a login or RSVP to [email protected]
details will be provided closer to the day.

Zoning Threats to Cromer/Red Hill/Oxford Fall trails and bushland - IMPORTANT
Hi All,
Today The NSW Department of Planning issued a draft strategic report for the Oxford Falls/Cromer area.
The draft report suggest zoning almost the entire Red Hill/Oxford Falls area E3 – see their map 7 on the link below.
E3 allows a wide range of development including schools, residential etc. It also allows recreational activities.
The risk of E3 zoning is that without constraint, our bushland can become fully developed.

Make a comment and get MTB funding!
posted on behalf of David Fox and Trailcare
Make a comment and get MTB funding!
Make a comment on the link below about how we want more MTB facilities in Manly Warringah and we want the Bare Creek Mountain bikepark built.
Warringah eServices
“A vibrant, caring community, thriving in a unique beach and bush environment, supporting a balance ...
[Mod. moved to Northern Beaches Trail Advocacy]