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Manly Dam Issues and Directions Discussion Paper - Please Comment

In case you missed Warringah Council's recent email there's some pretty positive news they have put out for riders in the region. Here's part of what they said:
This Paper hopes to encourage a rigorous and informed debate among the community on the issues and values of the Park. Comments received on the Discussion Paper will assist in confirming the key values and management issues for the Park and will help set a new vision and future direction for Manly Dam.
Council requires a new Plan of Management to take a fresh look at the values that the community attributes to the land and to develop current management actions to maintain, protect and enhance these values.
Following the comment period, the next step will be preparing a draft Plan of Management and a draft Masterplan, which will be placed on public exhibition in the new year.
To obtain your copy of the Discussion Paper and Comments Sheet please contact Erica Griffiths by email at [email protected]. Alternatively, go to to view or download the Discussion Paper and Comments Sheet and to have your say before Friday 14th January 2011.
Rider's would probably be mostly interested in Part 2 the Bushland Management Zone and specifically page 28 which show a map of possible options.
The paper considers four options to mountain bike riding. I've added a good, better, best commentary to these below, but this is from only a quick read so let's discuss. Please read the paper and make up your own mind and post your thoughts:
Note the points below are in 'good' to 'best' order but the option numbers are from the paper:
- Option 1: Good. Status Quo (post February 2010 situation) - the current situation. No new access.
- Option 4: Better (slightly) - Duplicate sections of the circuit that are deemed "hazardous". No new access.
- Option 3: Better - "Creating new sections of mountain bike only track, on new or realigned routes, to avoid or minimise issues or short-comings with parts of the existing designated circuit." Estimates 300-750m of new single track but may well have a zero-sum gain so far as distance goes. However, replacement track would hopefully make for better riding.
- Option 2: Best. Shared-use and Risk Management - "Retaining the entire currently designated mountain bike circuit and allowing for the shared-use, by both mountain bikers and walkers, of all single track sections.". This may well be the best option if the, "all single track sections" statement includes tracks in the Norhern part of the park (those that one has to climb under the pipe to get to). As these are drawn on the map (see attached) see no reason why not.
Whatever your thoughts, I would encourage everyone to respond to the council's call for comments and show them how important Manly Dam is to you.
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Thanks Rob, for getting this onto the site. It's a great step forward for discussions and comment.
It seems like we have a genuine opportunity to refine Manly Dam and maintain access for all interest groups.
I emphasize the term 'refine' as, although it would be good to have a major upgrade, the council is likely to have limited budget for works.
What I'd like to see supported is:
- Dual trails in appropriate parts - provide secondary walking tracks separated from the 'pure' single track as an alternative for walkers, and potentially learner riders.
- Appropriate signage on the challenging sections to warn learner riders of the grade of skill expected. (e.g. as is done in ski fields)
- Professional input for sustainable trails - Manly Dam suffers from heavy rain with the current trail and fire-road drainage design. In the UK (for example), rain is a greater factor through the winter months, yet sustainable trails are created and maintained despite heavy mtb use. Those lessons can be applied here, and adapted for our local conditions. There are a number of local trail building advisers that can provide input.
- A push for additional funding outside of the council. Manly Dam provides facilities for people outside of the local council area, as does Mt Stromlo in Canberra. With appropriate funding a good facility could be a great one! (then if could move beyond refinement)!
Torrential rain followed by clear sky is a reality in Sydney.... I understand and agree with current practice of closing Manly Dam due to potential damage but on a weekend like this just past (perfect weather) people a going to ride the trail no matter what the conditions or signage.
To that end putting effort into making the trail more "all weather" would ensure that the trail is protected, and as a bonus... always available.
I've registered for the event. In case I get a seat would be very interested in other comments and what they want presented. Rob - perhaps it's worth co-ordinating the response so that all members of this site can get their opinion across regardless of their attendance.
Bump... there's 9 days left to comment on this!
One thing that has come to light (kind of a pun) is that buried in the paper is a statement about banning night riding based only on assumptions about the activity. Ie. there is no evidence that the 'problems' that night riding has actually occur.
Please let the council know that we appreciate the Manly Dam circuit and support them keeping it open, but also that banning night riding without any evidence it's detrimental to wildlife is just silly.
FWIW, I can appreciate that residents don't like groups coming and going after dark and while we should all try and not cause a disturbance it might be a good idea to show locals we want to work on this. One idea might be to get the council to make an entry/exit point from down in the main parking area (by the picnic areas) and leave the gate open 24x7. That way, riders could always park away from homes. In fact, that would be great if they could make a (dirt) cycle lane along by the hydro lab to this area. Who knows what could be done with the right planning?
Of greater detriment to local wild life at night is the car traffic on the Parkway! Add in a few feral cats/dogs etc......
The number of MTB riders wanting to use the Dam at night would be pretty low - but still nice to have the ability to do so.
Ray R
I filled in the submission form but you don't get a confirmation email so who knows where it went???
Put my submission in.
Hopefully I didn't miss the cutoff... it's been a busy week.