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What's with the piles of

What's with the piles of rocks at the top of the Wakehurst Parkway entry point.
Is there track works in the mix? Anyone?
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Perhaps they plan on putting these in the mud pit that forms down there in heavy rain. Just after the right hander, steeper section (on solid rock) and 2 water bars (2 corners from the creek?). If you know where I mean?
The rangers hinted at this and that it would be done by contractors. By the sound of this pile of rocks a good call!
me and a few mates were riding round the dam the other day and one of the them was just gunning the whole way down (and up)and when he got round the corner he just rode straight into those piles full pelt.
P.S Is that a rock gadern under construction
Ride Hard or Ride Home
I was doing a solo secrete ride today and ended up at the Dam.
At the point where you cross over to Bantry Bay there is, parked in the bush, massive earth moving vehicles. Maybe the rumour is true that they plan to turn the downhill and heart break hill climb into a council Rd all the way through the Dam down to Condamine St so as to alleviate congestion on Allambie Rd.
About time I say as that downhill section to the mud pit got my bike terribly dirty
We wait in anticipation!
The Liver is Evil and must be punished
Just got back from the Dam, the complete downhill section has been graded. The Wakehurst Parkway entry point has been smoothed out, most corners have been filled in where some of the ruts and lines were and the major part was the mud pit at the bottom completely levelled out with two pretty large waterbars.
Other than launching off the last waterbar most fun has been removed from this section at this time, most corners have a lot of sand and fill so just watch out with the speeds or lack thereof now.
What a disappointment. And stop removing the famous log over track in the single section, that log and all the replacement logs have been there longer than most of us!
For that. Went around the Dam this evening too.
Downhill section graded. Lots of sand everywhere. Bog section now smooth as a babies... However the waterbar should offer some fun. I think there's a new hot lap coming and also a 'who can jump the highest' challenge?
In all the work done isn't that bad and nothing that a good downpour can't undo and turn the trail back into it's former glory. Give it time and all will come good.
I noticed the log in the sniggle had gone on Saturday
- bring it back!
....people that dumb down trails that are to hard for them to ride. Go back to Centenial Park you losers!
Gazza and I should go in there with "the tools" and put in place measures that would ensure that only termites could move the logs
The Liver is Evil and must be punished
It does suck that a lot of the lines and corners have been filled in, but like philberesford says, nothing that a good downpour can't undo and turn the trail back into it's former glory. And I rate where they've filled in that bog section now, dam it's fast!( If only they'd filled in just that section and left the rest alone!)
I kind of agree about the removal of the log on the single track, but c'mon Dr, been there how long??? The original tree that fell down across the trail was only about 18 months ago...