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Tentative Planning (MTB)

If you have a pretty much definate plan for a ride then this is not the place for you. You should be creating a ride meeting entry instead, which will appear in the calendar, etc.

This forum is for talking over tentative plans, asking opinions on rides, etc.

Rob's picture

Sat 8th Local?


I was going to be taking a newbie mate on a lap of the Dam this Sat, but he's gone soft so won't be coming. I know there's the Red Hill ride on, but would rather have a lap or three at the Dam, or perhaps 4/8 gates at Cascades - anyone else like a fairly fast-ish paced local ride? Will be aiming for a sociable 8:30-9 starting time.

I'm guessing there won't be many takers with many away at the Fling, but if there's interest let's meet up.


BT's picture

Ourimbah this Sunday the 9th Nov.

Hi all,

We've entered as a team of 3 for the Fat Tyre Festival but none of us have ever been to Ourimbah before. We plan to go this Sunday the 9th to scope the course out. If anyone who has been there before and wants to show us around, let me know.

garyinoz's picture

Cascades - Regular Thursday Ride

With Daylight Saving coming into force this weekend I wanted to try and get a regular Thursday 'after work' ride at Cascades organised. We had this going for a while earlier in the year but I never made it back after January thanks to a stack!

Anybody interested in a fairly regular ride at Cascades, approx 5.30ish

blackbetty's picture


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Anyone keen for this on sunday (28th, this weekend). Does anyone know if any racing is due for that Sunday because this is just purely to scope it out and I wouldnt want to be in the way of racers. If people are keen ill lock in a ride meeting. Either way, the old man and I are gonna go check it out as we've never ridden there before. Im sure the trusty rides section of this site will help us out.

Rob's picture

Sat Arvo @ The Dam?

Sadly I can't make either of the rides on tomorrow (Sat) morning... but might try for a couple laps of the Dam early afternoon.

Any interest? Maybe 1-2pm?

Alex's picture

stromlo DH mon 22nd september?

if anyones interested in hitting stromlo this monday a couple of us are going down, especially to hit the nice blue DH run and check out the new lines from worlds, 1 or 2 people would be great to make the shuttles worthy, will be staying sunday eve and hitting nice and early mon morn, with a possibility of a couple of hours at majura before returning too me if anyones keen and accomodation can also be arranged if need be..

Little-Ditty's picture

More Wollongong downhill riding - Sat 20th?


Was anyone interested in riding some more downhill stuff at Wollongong this Saturady 20th? If so, we will need to figure out the shuttling logistics, as it is not a good place to walk back. Let me know. Smiling


pjmagers's picture

Royal National Park Ride - 13 Sep 08

I am heading out to The Royal National Park on Saturday 13 Sep 08. I am looking at networking and finding some more adventure seekers. If you are heading there or want to join in please let me know! I am looking at starting at about 10-11am; however, I am flexible!

garyinoz's picture

Looking for some firetrails so I can get used to my SPD's

I was thinking of taking a ride this sat to try out my SPD's, never ridden in them before apart from in the carpark and promptly fell off the first time I stopped.

I'd be keen for a ride round Cascades (non technical) or Terrey Hills unless other people have some suggestions?

Failing that I'll take a leisurely ride out and try not to get lost!

Checkmate's picture

Nzo 12 Hour! : looking 4 team-mate / team-mates

Anyone doing Nzo 12 Hour this SA in Yellowmundee?
I'm looking for 1, 2 or 3 guys to team up with? Anyone interested?
Online rego without a late entry fee is till TH.
details at: , click on: Nzo 12 Hour!

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