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Northern Beaches Trail Advocacy

Talk about anything to do with creating/maintaining/campaigning for better trails.
christine's picture

Save Red Hll and Deep Creek now...

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I know Rob put this up as a meeting but they are actually discussing stopping MTB riding in Red Hill and Deep Creek at this meeting on Monday.

The more riders to show up the better or else it slides under the radar - this isn't a protest but a meeting, however numbers ARE needed.

"Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment are having a meeting on Monday the 22nd of February from 7pm to 9pm at the tramshed Community Centre Lakeview room (Upstairs 1395a Pittwater Rd Narrabeen). Warringah Mayor Michael Regan Will be there as well.

Exxodus's picture

Temporary compromise . . .

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Hi everyone,

It seems that there are a lot of you out there trying to get the Manly Dam track reinstated which is obviously what we all want, but I havent seen any discussion on proposals we could make to the council that would be a "compromise" to their current decision. Whatever happens lets be honest, it doesnt seem like there will be any decision made until after the March 23rd meeting, and the current notice on the council website says that a full consultation process may take up 6 months . . . . . .

Rob's picture

Mike Baird's view on the Manly Dam Issue

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Local MP Mike Baird has put out a press release on the Manly Dam fiasco, and shows a level of understanding and commonsense sadly lacking in the council.

I'm thankful of all the support Mike has given, and continues to give to mountain bike riders.

Monday 15 February 2009


Manly MP Mike Baird has appealed to Warringah Council to show some commonsense and manage the risks rather than ban mountain biking at Manly Dam.

Rob's picture

Extra Warringah Council Meetings Clarified

There has been some confusion about the extraordinary Warringah council meetings coming up but have had these clarified:

February 23: This meeting is only to cover the items that were missed on Feb 9 in their famous, meeting of disarray. The motion to re-instate volunteer maintenance days at Manly Dam is on the agenda, but the recent closure is not.

March 23: In this meeting council will discuss options for the future of riding at Manly Dam (ie. the recent closure).

Given council need to be shown immediately what a mistake has been made, and how many riders are effected, and as others have suggested it would be a very good idea to show up at the Feb 23 meeting for a silent show of support. Speakers are not allowed at this meeting and rowdy, insulant or other petty behavior would not help our cause one bit.

While I would encourage everyone who can to attend both meetings to show support, please only go to these meetings if you know you can control your emotions, bite your tongue, and have the patience of a saint!

Two events in the calendar here:

The meetings will be held at: Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 725 Pittwater Road, Dee Why (enter Civic Drive) and commence 6pm. More details should appear here:

hawkeye's picture

Council is wrong: POM misquoted

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I reviewed the full Plan of Management quoted in the press release, and found that they have mis-quoted the source document. The Plan gives council the right to designate particular areas accessible by mountain bikes, and the wording does not exclude singletrack.

In other words, they have used a technicality to close the singletrack, but the technicality is WRONG. So unless there is a document I haven't seen, it suggests to me they are compelled to re-open the closed sections.

What follows below is a technical argument - read or glaze over as you will Sticking out tongue :

christine's picture

Facts required... Manly dam

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One of my friends who is a printer ( and rider) very kindly has agreed to print flyers for us to put in the bike shops. I will make them... Dl size, which is envelope size. Will any of you be happy to help distribute to bike shops please? We were thinking from mona vale to turramurra to chatswood to manly and the city ones.

Also, I will get A4 flyers to put at the trail entrances so help there will be good too please... All trail entrances so we can get to as many riders as possible to show to the protest.

mudgee's picture

Warringah Councillor's Home Phone Numbers - Borrow their ear for 10 minutes

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Phone contact is good because the recipient is obliged to listen to you and it takes as much of their time as yours. You can spend an hour writing an email which they spend 10 secs responding to. With a phone call you'll know in a couple minutes if they are not interested.

1000 mountain bikers taking up 10 minutes each equals 4.4 full time work weeks of time. They also personally hear the views of 1000 different people who use council facilities. Any issue causing this degree of concern from people who normally don't bother coucillors is important enough for council to address.

BIGnige's picture

Manly Dam closure – email responses from council

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Thought we should have a thread containing any replies from coucil. Here's one to me.

Dear Nigel,

Rob's picture

Anyone able to attend council meeting tomorrow?

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If you take a look at the council agenda for tomorrow...

... you'll see that 12.2 is a motion to 'Reinstatement of Manly Dam Mountain Bike Track Volunteer Days'.

This is a great move, but... there are rumours circulating that something bad regarding the dam is going to be discussed.

I know this will be boring as watching paint dry, but if anyone local is able to attend this meeting and report back it would be much appreciated.

Best Mountain Bike