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Northern Beaches Trail Advocacy

Talk about anything to do with creating/maintaining/campaigning for better trails.
dags's picture

Recent Feedback From National Parks Ranger

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Came past a National Parks ranger on Sunday whilst doing Perimeter trail. Stopped for a chat and asked him how things were going with us mountain bikers. He said the cross-country riders were not the problem, but the downhillers who build ramps and create all sorts of damage, etc. were a constant headache. He suggested that things were under way to open further tracks for mountain bikers, but that progress was going to depend on whether the downhillers start behaving or not. He said we should try to talk some sense into them.

Noel's picture

HSC Progress

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At the Ordinary Meeting of 10 December 2008 Council considered the Executive Manager
Environment’s Report EN49/08 regarding the Hornsby Shire Unstructured Recreation
Strategy and resolved to adopt the Strategy, to further investigate the development of
mountain bike trails within the Hornsby local government area and to report to Council the
results of investigations into mountain bike trails.

BT's picture

Notification of Fire Trail Maintenace Works - Manly Dam

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Received this:

"Please be advised that on Wednesday 9 December maintenance works will commence on the fire trail from Allambie Heights tennis courts to Martin Luther Place. Works are expected to proceed for 10 working days. Please take extreme caution and adhere to any barriers and signs.
Thank you
Manly Dam Rangers"

Anyone know what the 'works' involve?

Rob's picture

Warringah Council - Adoption of the Recreation Strategy

According to the agenda, Warringah Council will be voting on adoption of the Recreational Strategy next Tuesday:

There's a link on there to an updated document, anyone see any changes in the rider's favour?

davidren's picture

Red Hill - Private Property Keep Out signs ??

Been down to Red Hill tonight, there are lots of signs saying "Private Property Keep Out" along the trail leading down into the middle of the track. Anyone know what's going on ????

Rob's picture

No hunting please

Can you believe this?

Don't think we want to see these signs in Australian National Parks do we? Or anywhere else for that matter.


herzog's picture

Dr Seuss Response to NPA

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I saw this on the net and loved it. It's how Dr Seuss would respond to the National Parks Association (think Green Eggs and Ham).

Do you like my mountain-bike?
Do you like it? Do you, Mike?

I do not like your mountain-bike.
Leave it home! Go for a hike!
Too many gears! Enormous treads!
You rip my favorite trails to shreds!
You may not ride it here or there,
You may not ride it anywhere!

May I ride on single-track
with all my gear in camelbak?

You may not ride on single-track
with mountain bike or camelbak
And do not ride on fire-road,
It cannot take the overload.

Rob's picture

Manly Daily 17/10/09 - Check out Pages 32/33

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Anyone have a link to the online version? The above holds a copy of what appeared in print. There was a 2 page for/against MTB an on the whole think it's positive for riders. Smiling

The gem in this is:

But NPWS executive director of park management Bob Conroy agrees that mountain bike riders do have a place in national parks and has made it clear he does not want to lock them out.

He is not inherently opposed to legally and properly constructed single tracks...

Fankles's picture


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I knocked out a couple of dam laps this afternoon and came across some idiots on moto's stopped about half way up heart break hill with a busted chain and obviously no tools apart from themselves. Rather than confront them and potentially knuckle on with the boneheads I thought do the "proper" thing and call the cops. So about half a K down the track I sat down and called Frenches forest police station and explained where I was, what I was doing and the prime situation these idiots were in that would aid in their apprehension.

Best Mountain Bike