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Northern Beaches Trail Advocacy

Talk about anything to do with creating/maintaining/campaigning for better trails.
Rob's picture

National Park Planning in the Blue Mountains

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Fell into my inbox this morning:

Plans of management for Blue Mountains, Kanangra-Boyd and Wollemi National Parks, part of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area, are currently being revised by the NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS). An opportunity exists for stakeholders to register their interest in the planning process.

flubberghusted's picture

Trail building permits for a metro forest area - Cumberland State Forest?

I may be overzealous here and jumping the gun but after having read as much as possible into National, State and Council owned forest areas.
It seems that State Forests seem to have more flexibility in allowing for MTB trails to be built.
With the Dam being the busiest track in Oz and Ourimbah, Yellomundie and Appin donks away. And forests around the Northern Beaches area being National Parks with other parks protected by the 'Yogi Bear fan club' rangers.
Its a safe bet to say that there is almost nothing else around the Sydney metro region for such a highly populated sporting group.
Lane Cove is a joke for single trail and Menai isnt too bad but shared amongst motoheads.
But you look at Ourimbah, Awabi and Yellomundie who are supported by the local MTB clubs, therefore supported by NSW Forests as well.

Would it be prudent to ask the office for Cumberland State Forest (Pennant Hills area) to determine whether a sustainable single track circuit be built around that area?

Having spoken to bikers around the area, they have put their hand up to assist in "Build days" with the rangers to work out a good trail system.

If its determined to be a success, this could well possibly become the busiest track in Sydney alleviating the likes of the Dam.
Its central, there's pockets of hectares to pick from and the economic benefits of it would promote the area significantly.

Rob - Do you think this is feasible or am I blowing wind up my ass again?

I know this technically falls out of the Northern Beaches area but I get tired of driving out so far to get a decent single trail ride if the Dam is closed.

mushypea's picture

Riding when the rangers have advised not to - Manly Dam

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Hi guys,

Did any of you see the email from the Rangers this week (below):

mikethebike's picture

Oxford Falls open slather?

I noticed last night that all the signs, barriers and fences have been removed from the 'cross country loop' and 'moon rock' at Oxford Falls.
Is this the result of National Parks seeing the error in their ways, or have they just gone walkabout?

Dicko's picture

MTB'g at Killingworth (Hunter Valley)

Hi all

I noticed recently that alot of land around Killingworth (Hunter Valley) is now under mgt by NPWS.

Are the mountain bike trails in this area still "legally" accessible to mountain bikers ? There used to be some great trails in this area.

I see that HMBA have now moved all racing to Awaba, but wanted to check if recreational mountain biking was still allowed on the preexisting Killingworth trails.

Rob's picture

Giving riders a bad name

Seen this?

Ms Cooper said the NPWS staff had noticed that gold spray paint had been used on more than one occasion to deface signage and that someone was also repetitively nailing cycling signs into trees in the area as well as illegally clearing bushland for bike riding tracks.

How are we ever going to gain legal access with this sort of behaviour going on? Sad

Rob's picture

How recreation contributes to conservation

This article was recently posted on MTBA. The first couple paragraphs say a lot:

A body of empirical, scientific studies now indicates that mountain biking is no more damaging than other forms of recreation, including hiking. Thus, managers who prohibit bicycle use (while allowing hiking) based on impacts to trails, soils, wildlife or vegetation are acting without sound, scientific backing.

The wisdom of prohibiting particular user groups in order to satisfy the desires of other groups is a matter for politics rather than science.

Full article is here:

mountainbiker's picture

work on manly dam

Hi MountainBiker here. I live down the road from one of the entrances of manly dam and their has been alot of talk of work being done on the track but i dont quite get what their doing does anyone know what they are going to do to the track. I hope they mke it more technical.

Rob's picture

Manly Dam Works

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Spoke to someone at the council just now and can share these snippets about what's going on at the Dam, etc.

Seems the work done is based on recommendations from an 'independent consultants' report that was completed Feb '08. If this turns out to be a public document I would be interested to see it.

The rangers at the Dam have to deal with all user groups of course and have arranged for the contractors we see working to alter the course as per this independent report.

Best Mountain Bike