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Northern Beaches Trail Advocacy

Talk about anything to do with creating/maintaining/campaigning for better trails.
craigs's picture

MTB planning

Just wondered whether there has been any progress on the land at Belrose that has been proposed on and off for various community projects?
I though you may have come across some up to date information while going through this process although it may well be a completely separate govt department/process? Perhaps not relevant here..

Rob's picture

Can you write a brief history of riding on the northern beaches?

So... fancy yourself as a writer or historian??

For a report I'm writing need a paragraph or two (or as many as you can write really) on the history riding on the Northern Beaches. If no-one else can help will just make it up myself, but that would only be based on speculation and hear-say as I've only been here a few years Sad

So ideally would like to hear from someone who rode as a kid years ago, has grown up in the area and seen how changes have come about through that time.

Sorry, should have asked earlier as this is rather urgent and need something by tomorrow arvo at the latest (May 14!).

Please either email me your prose or comment with it here. Any old skool pictures you have will also help immensely. Already found flyers from MWMTB races in the 90s on their @rsebook site Eye-wink


Flynny's picture

Adventure Activity Standards

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Hey all new Adventure Activity Standards are slowly being introduced around the country. Now is NSWs turn

These standards do have the potential to effect Mountain bike clubs and groups. While they are "voluntary guide lines" if something was to go wrong on a ride you had organised and those guide lines hadn't been met weren't followed you could be in the poo

While our advice is it wont effect racing it will effect social rides and guided tours type stuff and so could have some impact on sites like this promoting social rides.

Rob's picture

Oxford Falls POM

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This is interesting... I have been contacted by an environment consultancy asking for suggestions or recommendations for a proposed Oxford Falls Regional Crown Reserve POM.

From what I can see the land they are talking about encompasses parts both Oxford Falls and Red Hill. But don't get excited, only small parts of Crown Land in both are covered.

Anyhow, if anyone has anything they think is worth saying in response please let me know.

Or if you'd like to help that would be good too.

Rob's picture

Manly Dam Maintenence

Just a heads up... spoke to one of the rangers at Manly Dam just now and he says they will be posting out details of some trail days in the next month or so.

The track needs a lot of work so here's hoping!

lance's picture

"Cycling infrastructure needs work"

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Hi all,

This popped up on my uni site- regarding cycling infrastructure etc...

And the Medical Journal of Australia editorial they are referring to...

And the rather disturbing article that brought it all about...

Lots of great references in there for people to use when advocating for trail infrastucture - the Medical Journal of Australia can't be wrong...


greenvalleys freeride's picture

Greenvalleys Freeride Park

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Press Release - Tuesday 14th, April 2009
Greenvalleys Freeride Park

Greenvalleys Freeride Park is a planned MTB facility in Tongarra, NSW. It is located in the foothills of the Macquarie Pass National Park just over an hour south of Sydney and approx 20 minutes from Wollongong.

The park will host a Downhill (DH) competition track for school, local, state and national competitions. A slopestyle competition course, and freeride tracks for all levels of ability.

Rob's picture

Warringah Bike Plan Questionnaire

Warringah Council is currently undertaking a review of its Bike Plan. As a local Warringah resident, your input via this questionnaire will help ensure that the new bike plan responds to the needs of local people and the environment.

The questionnaire is here... think it might help to fill it in if you live/ride in the Warringah area (took me about 10mins):

Lenny_GTA's picture

Glenrock Volunteer Trailbuilding Training Saturday and Sunday, 21st and 22nd of Marc.

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For all you Glenrock riders out there, you may have noticed a bit of official trail building going on from the guys at World Trail. For those that haven't, the DJ quarries are undergoing a transformation, the old DJ's on the cliff edge are gone and a new set away from the cliff are under construction (mud jump rework is next) and the BJ's Surprise/highroller/suessland area is also being tweaked.

Rob's picture

Follow up on Illegal Riding

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Following up from this:

I spent quiet some time at lunch talking to the ranger this came from.

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