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Northern Beaches

Macdaddy's picture

Beware the sinkhole

Anyone who uses the fire trail at the end of Cannons pde to access serrata beware there is a large sinkhole on the right side about half way down. Came very close to dropping into it last night.

bikemad's picture

manly dam status

Anybody ride the dam today? Just got back to Sydney after 3weeks OS and was hoping to ride it tomorrow, cheers

C3PO's picture

Aquatic Centre: Pipeline to Bus Stop closed

I noticed that section across the other side of the parkway from KC - from the pipeline to the bus stop - is closed. Someone has built a 6ft high wall of logs, etc. Looks like a serious effort to keep us out.
I understand the section from the bus stop to the Dam is ecologically sensitive but I thought the section before the bus stop is fine and there is no reason to block it off? It made a great "down" to the KC "up".
Anyone know any more??

Brenos's picture

Kevin Costner Extension

Just a heads up, but it looks like the reasonably new extension of KC (behind the houses) is going to be cleared to make the parkway wider. There's barrier flags going across the trail a few times, which kinda sucks. Had to throw the anchors out pretty hard to stop in time.

Oldlegs's picture

Serrata advice

The only bit of Serrata that I can't do is the steep double roll down. What's the best approach - no brakes until the bottom or some back brake to slow down after the first roll down and before the second roll down?

skipper_nz's picture

Lost keys manly dam

Found them, yay

hawkeye's picture

Bantry Bay trails in the news

Apparently Manly Council Mayor Jean Hay's daughter rides a mountain bike at Bantry Bay.

However, it looks like it might be a while before she's out there again.

C3PO's picture

Is Kev C now 2 way?

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Hi all,
Sorry if this is old news - been off for a bit.
Riding Kev Costner yesterday and today in the up/North direction I nearly ran into some riders coming the other way. Both times we had a civil chat and I advised it was a one way trail and they said it is now 2 way.
At the top of the trail where there used to be a "wrong Way" sign it has been covered with a sign saying "two way - down riders to give way".
Is this real or has someone just made their own call?

Stujr's picture

Manly dam

Just flew into Sydney this morning. How much rain has manly dam had over the last few days?

[Mod. moved to Northern Beaches]

BT's picture

If you can't ride it, take the easier option!

Regarding the person who placed rocks on the left hand climb/approach to the golf course rock at the Dam. If you find that line too difficult, I suggest you take the easy option on the right hand side until you're skilled enough to tackle the A line.

The rocks placed there to 'assist' the step up, actually makes it more difficult as it's loose and badly placed. It's a quite simple step up without the assistance of rocks, IF you can get your technique right.

Please don't ruin things for the majority, just to suit your own skill deficiencies.

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