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Sydney (West)'s picture

Yellomundie condition

Has anyone been out to Yellomundie today? Is it ready for riding after last weeks rain?

flubberghusted's picture

Flash flooding!

For for those riding in the wet, please take it easy especially across river or creek crossings

Before the deluge came, it was a creek about as wide as a foot length and not deep enough to get your laces wet.
5 mins of sheltering, we went back to the creek crossing and came across this...

Funny enough, the idiot featured fell in holding onto a palm leaf as support ...........................He is fine

ChopStiR's picture

Western Sydney Parklands - Plan of Management Released

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
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Ive yet to read it, but here you go. Hope there is some good news for Mountain Biking.

You are receiving this email as you have expressed an interest in being updated on the Western Sydney Parklands Plan of Management.

The Parklands 10 year Plan of Management was adopted by the Minister for Western Sydney on 25 January 2011.

Over 840 people participated in the public engagement activities conducted during the exhibition of the draft Plan last year.

flubberghusted's picture

Loose rocks @ Lake Parra

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I'm not sure if it was kids being kids or walkers trying to deter riders or mtb'ers in for a challenge.
But can the asshats who are putting large loose rocks right in the middle of downhill lines at Lake Parra please ... dont!

We spend a lot of time maintaining these trails for everyone's enjoyment and we have a good dialogue with the rangers.
I saw kids on a family ride who had these rocks flung back at each other and a boy fall off.
Not to mention my own otb at a section I've done a hundred times.

GAZZA's picture

Link to M7 cycleway?

I'm working with another cyclist at East Ryde for three weeks just off Epping road near Pitwater rd.
we were talking about going for a decent road ride after work and talked about the cycle path alongside the M7 as we always do hills and dont get to spin the legs properley.
is there a link(or a safe way) to get from Epping road to the M7 cycle path that anyone could let me know about??

Rob's picture

Fred Caterson Reserve is now authorised riding!

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We've spoken a few times about Fred Caterson reserve and don't think have ever got to the bottom of whether the trails in there are authorised riding or not.

Well... thanks to the new Bicycle Information for NSW site (which I have to admit is mostly pretty disappointing - hard to navigate, seems like just a collection of links to maps, hardly any MTB information) just found the The Hills off-road cycleways.

mrptl's picture

Bents Basin

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Hi guys,

Anyone has ever been in or around the Bents Basin state conservation area?
Link to Google Map

What is nice, is that you can have a swim there, there is a deep waterhole, part of the Gulguer Gorge on the Nepean River between Camden and Penrith.

nix85's picture


has anyone got a little bit more information on techy is it? is it a trail i can get lost in? thinking of doing it for the first time to try something new? might post it as a ride ..though it will be newbie pace, as im still a newbie and im still coughing, so who knows how the lungs will hold up but hey! thanks

[Mod. moved to Sydney (West)]'s picture

Yellomundie and NPWS

Does anyone know anything about if there is a problem at Yellomundie between riders and NPWS?

I have seen a few mentions here and there about negotiations between WSMTB and NPWS. On the Rocky Trail site I recently read something like "this could be the last big event at Yellomundie" referring to one of their events.

I cant work anything out from the WSMTB site, but does anyone know if Yellomundies future is in doubt?

Rob's picture

Anyone fancy Yellomundee this weekend?

Hey... so for those not going to DW this weekend, anyone fancy a trip to Yellomundee for a few laps of fun?

Am thinking Sunday, a 9 or 10am start at this point but open to suggestions.

Best Mountain Bike