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Weekly/Local/Day Trips
duck ponds tonight (Tue 13 Mar)
I know its short notice but if anyone is up for a FUN ride a few of us are doing the duck ponds/central track tonight - 7.30 start from the shops - as in 7.30 on the bikes!!
starters are me! evan, craig and gary...stuart can't decide!
Garrigal NP - Sat 17th March 8.30am
Hoping to hit up Garrigal NP this weekend for all those interested, mostly wide open fire trail with some hills. If its raining I wont be riding this trail as it is prone to flooding in places.
Meet at: Stone Pde in Davidson at trail head to National Park
Ride time: 8.30am
Ride Duration: Hoping to ride for close to 2-3 hours more if we can handle it.
Bring plenty of water and some munchies.
Hope to see some of you there for a spin on Sat.
Re: Narrabeen Lake circuit - How about an arvo run?
If you can fit this in an arvo at about 4pm then I'll be up for a few laps. I can't do tomorrow arvo though, but any other one is fine.
Sydney 24hr - 31st March/1st April
hi all, just wondering who has entered into the sydney 24hr. I am entered in a team of 4, i think we will be quite slow as 2 of our team members are lucky to ride a few times a month and fitness is not one of there strong points, so our team could turn into 2 by the time night hits. Anyway we are in it for a bit of fun, a hopefully good track and to just generally have a good time. Our main goal will be to finish and to not come last in our category. I will be heading there friday morning to setup camp and to run a few test laps. If anyone wants to meet up over the weekend for a chat and hello, give me a yell
Night ride this week (Wed 14th - 7:30pm)
Right, getting in early this week. I'm keen for a Wednesday night ride at Manly Dam as a bit of a break from the norm. Tentatively 7.30pm at the Hydraulics thingo. Takers?
18th March - team partner for the races?
I'm gonna do the 8 hour in Darks Forest - SOLO. ( )
If anyone wants to HELP ME...I would do it in a team as well. Give me a call or drop me a line, anmd we'll work it out.
Would be cool
Narrabeen Lake circuit / Deep Creek singletrack, 7:00am Tuesdays
Where: Jamieson Park, Narrabeen.
When: 7:00am start, Tuesday mornings
What: Loop ride, more or less following the water's edge, approx 1 hour.
Out-and-back singletrack option at Deep Creek, adds about another half hour.
Main circuit: mostly flat hardpack, some road along the Parkway. Bring the cyclocross bike if you're into that sort of thing.
Deep Creek singletrack: some hardpack, some loose soil. Tight and twisty, a few ramps over fallen trees - the way singletrack should be.
Nothing that could be called a hill either - it's pretty flat for the entire ride.
pertners for a ride....
Hi everyone!
I am visiting in Sydney for a while and I have been deprived of mountain biking for a few weeks. I realy want to make up for lost time.
Anyone for a ride on Saturday or Sunday (10-11/3) anywhere @ the north beaches???
Ride Sunday morning 11th?
Hi folks,
Being a beginner I don't really know where to wondered if anyone wanted to ride Sunday morning and can suggest a place?
Red Hill - Saturday afternoon - 4:00 p.m.
Hi all,
I am planning a ride around Red Hill (the main loop) on Saturday afternoon. Can't go in the morning as I have some bike maintenance to perform. A new rear tyre! Weather is not supposed to be too hot.
If anyone is interested, please post your involvement. Meet at the dirt clearing at the gate on Lady Penrhyn Drive.
0438 885 410