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Weekly/Local/Day Trips

Arranging local rides or day trips? Want to ride on a weekly basis? This is the spot for you.
Little-Ditty's picture

Australia Day - Friday 26th at 10:00 a.m. - Terrey Hills ride

Hi all,

I intend to have a tour around Terrey Hills on Friday morning at 10:00 a.m.

I am open to suggestions about where to go. But I wanted to try and keep the complexity to a minimum by riding the Perimeter trail, then the Long Trail, and back. We can keep the riskier stuff in the bag until later. Should be about 15 to 20 km and a couple of hours. A nice way to start 3 days off! Smiling

No bans are in place for anyone turning up with an Australian flag.

Meeting place is in the car parking area at Terrey Hills shops.

Hope to see you there. Cheerio!

0438 885 410

Little-Ditty's picture

Saturday 27th - 8:00 a.m. ride - Oxford Falls

Howdy all,

I am organising a Saturday morning ride (27th) for anyone that is interested. For any of the newer guys, we would probably be riding some bits that include technical or rocky downhill sections.

Of course, all are invited and welcome. Meet at the dirt carpark off Morgan Rd. See you out there!

0438 885 410

Alex's picture

oz day?

anyone planning australia day ride? i was thinking a bit of a peddle through oxford falls or maybe even ourimbah...any takers?

Alex's picture

sat 20th oxford/red hill/cascades 4pm

well, if anyone feels like an arvo ride at 4pm im gonna hit one of these trails for a peddle..pref cascades, but i dont mind red hill or oxford either..

Chris's picture

Manly Dam Sunday 21st Afternoon ride

Anyone interested in a Sunday Afternoon lap around the Dam.

When: 6:00pm (meet at 5:45pm)

Where Manly Dam-
Meeting point:
King Street, Manly Vale Outside the hydraulics Lab.

The pace of the ride will be nowhere near the hot laps, more in the order of around an hour.

See you there.


Bernd's picture

Wed ride...

Wed morning ride, before work!
6-45am for a 7-00am start!
Morgan Rd. or Manly...
please let me know if I should wait for someone.
Bernd 0412 001180.

Stuart M's picture

Tuesday Night Ride

This Tuesday night, start time about 7.15 - 7.30

Where, well I'm going to throw up the usual Terry Hills but could be talked into variations there of, ie Duck Holes etc, if people think these are appropriate night rides with our general level of illumination.

Let the masses speak

4lex's picture

Manly damn.... that's too early :) Sunday PM anyone?

So it seems I must've been living in a cave to not know about the Manly Dam circuit. Glad to have found this site, and that ride - am going to go tomorrow PM. Anyone else not good at early mornings keen for that?

flobach's picture

Saturday ride anyone?


was thinking of heading up to the North Shore area to hit some trails on Saturday - anyone care to join?


Little-Ditty's picture

Manly Dam ride on Sunday?

Hi all,

Not sure what shape we will be in from our expedition at Ourimbah on Saturday. But I had heard rumblings of a Manly Dam ride on Sunday. Ack, my last day of holidays!! : (

So before other rides get organised, is anyone else interested in a Sunday ride? In order to cater for those "under the thumb", should we meet in the lower car park for an 8:00 a.m. start?

Hope to see you there.


Best Mountain Bike