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Should we MTB of NSW be concerned with the degrading of our State Forests
I have been MTB riding in the Mid Coast region over 20 years which is by international standards highly valued for its rich biodiversity. Sadly with Corporate demands and short falls in quota promises, our Forest and its Fawna have paid the cost dearly. This broad clearing dries the future forest out it becomes more flamable these trees also do not precipitate moisture like their predecessors. The justification has always been jobs and revenue but in an ABC news article 2 years ago it showed that the industry runs at a loss and forestry axed one third of its workers, in response.

FOUND: Set of keys
Today (12.7.2017), I found a set of keys at the start of the service road that runs alongside the Great Western Highway from Barnet St, Glenbrook.
If you think these may be yours, I have handed them into Springwood Police Station.

Next outdoor adventure
Hi fellow Nobmobbers. I came across this the other day and if any of you out there are in pursuit of further outdoor activities then this might be your cup of tea. Looks like some pretty interesting, limit pushing type of stuff out there

Avoiding Getting Doored - The Dutch Way
I thought this was interesting:

Police Cycling Blitz in Sydney - Tuesday (tomorrow)
Bells, reflectors, bike lights - no red light running, no track standing, no riding on footpaths.
From the Bicycle NSW Email
Scheduled police operation in Sydney

The bell tolls #2
All those who cycle in NSW will be aware of the law requiring a bell installed on your bike or face a $106 fine. The law has been around for a long time, however, with the recent increase in penalties for cycling infringements purported to be for cyclist safety Police focus upon this and the issuing of penalties has increased significantly.

Flying with a bike
Im flying to Cyprus for 3 weeks in may,and am planning on taking my bike as there are meant to be loads of good trails there.Anyone flown with bike with either Qatar or Etihad airlines.Anyone had any experience(good or bad)with either of these in regards to bike handling,arriving in one piece etc..Cheers

Another use for shimano SPD pedals
I will have to keep this in mind for the next time a ride finishes with a beer and I am stuck without a bottle opener