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NoBMoB Chat

Surge76's picture


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Whilst searching on the net i have seen many posts on various blog sites (see below). This looks like a total scam. I was interested in a bike they had so I emailed these guys asking them where they are, website address and I got nothing...but they were wanting me to confirm my order and address and asked me to quickly send payment for the bike. YEAH RIGHT!

Rob's picture

On the drops!

I saw a scummer, dressed in a full scumm team outfit (some purple-ish colour) ride down the ramp North side of the bridge this morning... on the drops!

Surely this is an MTB rider in disguise? Eye-wink

Anyone know said individual? Mind you - there were plenty people walking up and they didn't shout out so slightly dangerous manoeuvre.

kitrou1's picture

AMBC clinics

Hi all,

Had a quick search but couldn't see any feed back on these courses - are they any good? I was looking at the trailbreakers one being realtively new to the sport (4 months in). I'm 'doing the dam' in just over 45 mins at the moment.



Rob's picture

Dream Bike Carrier?

At first thought maybe... But it's hardly economical and can't drive to trails up fire roads (or most likely even over the curb to get to them) so no thanks! Think this explains the poor choice of bike on said carrier! Sticking out tongue

Benji's picture

Sydney Bike Polo Open Sunday March 15

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Get excited about Bike Polo in Sydney! Contrary to N.W.A, you should believe the hype.

This is the first event of its kind for Sydney. The Sydney Bike Polo Open is an open competition aimed at bike polo players of any skill level - even if its your first time playing. All bikes and riders encouraged to play!

Mallets will be supplied and all the rules will be explained on the day. So you just need to rock up with yourself and your bike.

christine's picture

Save oxford falls meeting tonight!!

Please don’t forget to go to the public meeting if you can 6pm at the Council Chambers in Dee Why – they ask people to wear a white t-shirt...

Hans's picture

$40 million to be spent to build extra bike paths...

Yesterday, the Greens made a $435 million deal with the Government paid for by reducing the $950 cash-bonus bonus to $900. It included $40 million to be spent to build extra bike paths, $50 million in extra help for the unemployed and $300 million for one-off grants to church, charity and community groups for grass-roots job creation schemes.

Funkychicken's picture

Some good shoppin'

Check this out - in the same vein as, but for bike stuff. Site updates every 30mins or so with a new deal, so you can leave it on in the background. Only big drawback is the USD - AUD exchange...

Nic's picture

Happy Birthday Christine!!!

It's Christine's birthday today (and it's not 40, despite rumours to that effect).

Have a good day from all at Nobmob...

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