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NoBMoB Chat

pikey's picture

The NoBMoB 24Hr or 8Hr

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A Manly Dam 24hr or 8hr race.

Camping on the rugby field next to the golf club entrance.
NoBMoB members run/organise the Event.
All profits go to a local charity.
Bring in the local rotary club or scouts for direction help ??
Mail box drop to all the locals that back onto the track advising of upcoming event.
The bowling club could stay open and serve drinks and offer the use of their toilets and showers.
Two start times 1, elite 2, average (you know who you are)
Local Council will love the non climate change impact the race will have.

trailburner's picture

Call for Contestants

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The Rocky Trail Show

Call for Contestants
Sydney, 15 March 2009

Be part of an exciting new mountain bike project!
Rocky Trail Entertainment is currently looking for 4-6 contestants who fulfil the following requirements: a good MTB rider: you need to have participated in MTB endurance races and ride regularly - at least once a week on average in the wider Sydney area and be available for 3-5 days of filming at MTB track locations around Sydney
3.have an outgoing personality and a good sense of humour older than 18 years mountain biking

camster's picture

Commuting issues

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I was reading a document (not sure where) about the ammount of bicycle commuters have "incidents" with vehicles etc on Sydney streets and it said that many were unreported.
I know alot on this forum commute to work and i expect that many people have as many near misses with vehicles as i do.

So perhaps others would like to create a record whenever they have a near miss, hit or something whilst on their bikes (scumming, mtb - whatever)
This "record" could later be used for lobbying etc (maybe - I'm not sure)
A little detail perhaps would help.

I'll start off:-

Hans's picture

"Stan's No tubes" or "Joe's No flats" ?

I'm about to order a "Joe's No Flats" conversion kit from CRC. They don't stock Stans. Is there a major difference in performance? Both seem to be based on latex mixture - Joe's seems to contain more particulates to seal larger holes.

What is your experience?

These (very similar) videos seems pretty convincing...



Cheers, Hans


Happiness is a warm shock...

Winco's picture

Excellent MTB Skills Clinic

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I attended an excellent and well run MTB skills clinic at St Ives Showground yesterday run by Wannaride. Having only been riding for 8 months I thought it time to get some technical tutoring so I signed up for a beginners/intermediate course. I have to say, anyone starting out should seriously consider attending. A thoroughly enjoyable day. Heaps learnt. Instructors were great. Didn't talk down to you, very friendly and explained everything in plain English. They also run advanced clinics too. Just thought someone may be interested in developing their riding skills further.

LadyToast's picture

Netti - good words

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It's not every day I have praise for any shop, so I just want to put a good word in for the chaps at Netti.

Flynny's picture

Don't you hate it when

Don't you hate it when you are all syked up (like rad to the power of sick) to go for a PB speed record on a particular hill (On tar... the shame, the shame!) and you get caught behind an L plater....

91, is my best down that particular bit of tar with knobbie tyres and 25psi.... 73 on the dirt at the end of the ride.

Best on dirt was an 85 down Martins lane which scared the bejubus out of me...

So what do you hate?

Paul_J's picture

Want a job with Cannondale?

Just noticed a job advertised on mycareer for an account manager in the CBD.

Hans's picture

Pump track in backyard?

When my son (8 y.o.) saw this pic...he said "Hi Dad - can we build that?" Eye-wink

Cheers, Hans


Happiness is a warm shock.

kiwiboy's picture

A new game - spot the MTBer scumming it, AKA The Undercover Riders

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Having recently begun commuting Nth Sydney to Nth Ryde I find myself a) bored brainless and b) amazed at how many cyclists there are on the cycleway.

In an effort to relieve the tedium of the 13k ride I have devised a game to amuse myself - spot the MTBer doing training/undercover as a scummer. There are a number of attributes you can look at that give clues as to the likelihood, all unreliable, but anyhow.

Best Mountain Bike