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Mountain Bike Nickname Generator
Mountain Bike Nickname Generator (good for a rainy day)
Plug your first and last name in, and the Generator will give you your Mountain Bike name.
Do not disagree with the Generator. It knows who you are.
Mine says "der Crankmeister"
What's yours?
hawkeye off the bike for a lot longer
It's been 6 weeks since my crash and shoulder dislocation about halfway between 19th Hole and the kids playground.
It's turned out to be a lot more serious than a simple dislocation. I have what's called a Bankart Lesion and torn rotator cuff. Shoulder reconstruction is required, and I go under the knife next Thursday.
So no cycling/commuting for me for at least another 3 months, and possibly up to 6 months before I return to the trails.
Wish me well. If you're a Christian, remembering me when you talk to the bloke upstairs would be welcome.
Rex Hunt guilty of road rage with a cyclist
I wonder who is to blame here?
"Media identity Rex Hunt has been found guilty of recklessly causing injury over a road rage attack on a cyclist"
Jason English - Hardtail in the rocks
Just stumbled across this set of pictures on Jason English's blog. You can bet he was going a fiar speed - pretty impressive riding on a hardtail!
Roadies: check your lights!
Almost hit a couple of brothers (cyclists) while driving home at dusk yesterday. One wasn't wearing a light and the other had some bees dick useless light. Sure, i'm glad there wasn't an incident, but i see riders with no lights or a lot with really tiny lights all the time and it's frustrating. It's unfair to drivers. It would be hard to blame a driver that hit a rider in such circumstances. Please, if you ride on road at night, look at your lights from a decent distance some time and see if they are actually effective (big and bright).
2010 Specialized range
The new eco range of Specialize bikes?
sure beats the aluminium custard tart tray frames
Extraordinary Loads on Ordinary Bikes
Yet another slide show of silly ways to carry things on bikes:
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