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Thredbo Mountain biking
Went & rode at Thredbo for a few days.
stopped at Stromlo on the way down too.
Ohhh wow....what an awesome weekend of riding. Bit exy....but well worth it.
If you get a chance. Do it. The trails are awesome. Just awesome. Also a trail from tredbo to Jindabine is also about to open for those who enjoy a longer ride.
For your average kinda XC bloke or gal there is 2 trails to choose from. And they are both awesome.
The full day lift tickets are a must unless you drink a lot the night before and only start riding at 1pm. LOL

What's happened to NoBMoB?
Just logged on for the first time in a while and noticed the last post was three days ago. Seems like everyone has departed? I remember when this was a hive of activity. What's happened?
The funny thing is I was logging on to see if anyone was talking about the Convict. I was considering it for this year and then saw the entry fee was $150. Are these guys kidding themselves? No wonder these races are dying.

Anyone ridden here?
Wondering about a night here..anyone been..what are the trails like.

Brian rates a mention in The Rules
I was reading browsing through The Rules and noticed this:
I thought it describes Brian perfectly.

Kinross signage
Howdy, can anyone out there advise if Kinross is well sign posted? Heading out on Thursday afternoon for the first time and don't want to get lost

E bikes
During a 45 minute ride at the dam yesterday I was passed by no less than 3 Ebikes!
Ebikes are now being heavily promoted by all the major bike companies so we can expect to see many more on the tracks. They are here to stay.
I was wondering what others think about this trend - good or bad for the sport? It certainly does not require the same fitness level or technical skill set that conventional riding does so I think it dumbs down the sport but it will certainly appeal to many.

Decline in Races - What you said?
I'd like to thank all the commentators on the question I asked and I think the outcomes were pretty clear, which I've trapped here. It looks like the end maybe nigh for the fling (see below):
1. Too Expensive (or not enough value)
2. Too many alternative races and places to ride
3. Not enough promotion particularly to younger age groups
4. Not family orientated enough
5. Making a state based series might get some interest back.
So the primary suggestions to the rider are:
1. Dont sweat and go to club races
2. Plan to ride away with friends

Manly Dam
Anybody figured out how to ride the newly fixed up bits of the Dam down the back of Allambie? Roll it or jump it.

Arm warmers
Ok - so its getting cold in the morning. How do I keep my Arm warmers from falling down without more pushups???

Moutain bike group
I am currently looking for a group of people to train duetting the week and weekend on the north shore. Any recommendations or contacts?