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Highland Fling Training Ride and Course Recon

Hans's picture

By Hans - Posted on 12 October 2009

Saturday, 17 October, 2009 - 08:30

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

4 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Penrose State Forest
Ride Database Entry: 
Wingello State Forest
Meeting Point: 

4Km SW of Wingello village on Caoura Rd there's a small base camp within the forest - seems as good a place as any.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

Pre Fling training ride and familiarising with the Fling track.

Come for one day or two - join us for some nice flowing single track...and get to know the Fling course. Meeting at 8:30 am at Ye Olde Bikeshoppe, Bundanoon. Sarina has the detailed course map; and I'll have the GPS track on the Garmin. Eye-wink (Update: we may have a local guide...)

Some of us are staying overnight (3 of us so far), however most of the riding is on Saturday - approx 4-5 hrs reconnaisance ride.

Car pool is an option - I may have 2 spaces on the car/rack.

Hope to see you there! Rgds, Hans Eye-wink

Best Coffee at Ye Olde Bikeshoppe...before and after..

Best Singletrack!

Who's in?
Nic, Gus, Hans, Benji
Nic Gus Hans Benji
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Rob's picture

Wingello houses the middle 50km loop. While it's very nice and good training this won't help you if you're only riding the 50. Parts of the 50km Fling course are on private land and can't be scoped out.

Hans's picture

Hi Rob, thx for reply...

Some of Sat's riders are doing the 100.... some (incl. me) are doing the 50 k half fling.

I've heard about the private land bit, we are scoping out as much as we can of the accessible part on Saturday/Sunday. If you have a good GPS file please post it...or even better, come along and join us! Eye-wink

Rgds, Hans
Happiness is a warm shock.

Gus's picture

Are you planning to ride the 50 or 100km? I had planned to come down and try the 30km loop.

Hans's picture

Hi Gus - you're welcome to join us...the more the merrier!

Sat: Some of us (Sarina, Dibbler) are going for the 100 k loop, Benji and I are probably doing 50 - 60 k, and you're most welcome to join us for the 30 K loop. We are meeting around 8:30-ish at Ye Olde Bikeshoppe in Bundanoon. We'll have a local to show us around the trails...Eye-wink

Sun: We'll have to make sure we have some energy left for the next day, as Sarina, Benji and I are staying overnight in Bundanoon to do the advanced MTB skills clinic on Sunday at the same place. Should be fun!

Rgds, Hans
Happiness is a warm shock.

Gus's picture

Hay Hans,
thanks for a great ride! Hope you'll invite me along again (i'll try to lift my game for the next one).
by the way can you point me in the direction of downloading the trails. A bit vexed.. i am. Smiling

Gus's picture

if you need any infor or a chat re BC give me a shout.

Nic's picture

Thanks for the good company. Hope you pulled up OK, Hans...
Cheers, Nic

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