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3 Ring Circus 2010

Rob's picture

By Rob - Posted on 05 May 2010

Sunday, 25 July, 2010 - 10:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

4 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Ride Database Entry: 
Wingello State Forest
Meeting Point: 

4Km SW of Wingello village on Caoura Rd there's a small base camp within the forest - seems as good a place as any.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

The three loops (or Rings) pass through the Big Top event centre located at the Wingello Forest Trailhead. The loops will be completed in the order below:

Granny Gear - Blue Ring
6km of fast firetrail will separate the speedsters from the rose sniffers and allows riders to find their legs. There won’t be a lot of granny gear on the Granny Gear Ring.

Big Dog - Red Ring
Big Dog is approx 25km long. It traverses several gullies and includes one or two climbs (including the infamous “The Wall”!) and 13km of sweet, flowing singletrack. All this in beautiful native forest. 3 Ring Circus performers will want to go hard here – it's hard not to ride with a big grin on the face. However enthusiasm will be tempered by the knowledge that still to come is……….

Spinner Ring - Yellow Ring
Back to the Big Top and a last chance to grab some food and drink and some encouragement from the crowd. The 19km Spinner Ring (Ed – Look, why should Middle Ring not have a decent descriptive name like its neighbours. Henceforth to be known as Spinner) will test legs and lungs as it takes performers through some deep gullies and steady climbs. The bonus is that you’ll head through some mixed forests and open farmland on firetrails and dirt roads, with the end of the performance ever closer. A fast finish back to the Big Top and no requirement for an encore. The 3 Ring Circus is over.

Who's in?
Heckler, evan, scottm8, Steve 01, D-on, Brian, linco, Jee10, Bikeboy, Antsonline, loki, king_nelly, FOB, Fatboy, nessB, boaty, Ed, gillyfish (18 riders)
Heckler evan scottm8 Steve 01 D-on Brian linco Jee10 Bikeboy Antsonline loki king_nelly FOB Fatboy nessB boaty Ed gillyfish
What Happened?

Blog entries about this meeting (as this is a race standings and times are shown, click on the title for more and to comment)...

Who Title Status Time Pos.Gen. Category Pos.Cat.
Antsonline So near but so far..... Finished 01:59:53 3 Veteran Male 2
Steve 01 Great....when I finished Finished 02:08:41 20 Masters Male 3
twotommos 3 Rings Circus - Wingello, 25/07/2010 Finished 02:37:00 145 Masters Male 42
Brian 3 Ring Circus Finished 03:01:36 297 Veteran Male 109
homerj Great Fun Finished 03:28:00
Ed 3 Ring Circus 2010 02:49:19 219 81

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
Brian's picture

I'm in. Should be fun Smiling

Scottboy's picture

pain I had in my lungs last year from doing the yellow , now I might be a bit stonger it might not be as hard

linco's picture

This is an awesome race! ( basically the middle 50 of the Fling) Did it last year and had a great time

Bikeboy's picture

Bring on part three of my year of self induced pain .....

Brian's picture

Has anyone read the terms and conditions and taken note of point 25. Below is an extract and take note you need to carry a whistle.

25. Each racer must have or be carrying the following whilst racing:
– Suitable mountain bike or cyclocross bike in good repair
– Australian approved cycling helmet worn at all times
– Race number plate mounted on handlebars with number clearly visible
– Timing transponder mounted on the front of the bike number
– Minimum 750ml liquid
– Food e.g. energy bars, gels etc
– Toolkit with minimum pump, puncture repair, inner tube
– Water resistant jacket
– First Aid kit (minimum of crepe bandage, bandaid strip, sterile dressing, 6 x painkillers e.g. Paracetamol
– Whistle

BT's picture

That's a new one!

Lach's picture

....for as long as I can remember - never had it checked though.

Scottboy's picture

years a person went over the edge I think , that may be the case to carry one on you ?

Ed's picture

I always carry a vuvuzela in my pack Eye-wink

Brian's picture

Has anyone got a GPS profile of last year as I'm keen to know the elevation?

Edit: Found one

loki's picture

Right here Brian:

Rob's picture

LOL... I was looking at the HR on that profile and thinking, "Gee... this guy was giving it some, who is it?"

Doh! Eye-wink

loki's picture

Yeah I was wondering what would be a reasonable time to aim to complete the 50km in and found that Garmin log.
Then after reading of the 300km epic last weekend by Leximack I think I have an idea what time I won't be doing it in! (and blog entry here:

leximack's picture

haha, my garmin links seem to pop up everywhere
I wouldnt take too much notice of my HR, i seem to run high HR in all races and can hold 170-180 average for 4-5hrs before i blow up.
That time was ok but slowed alot at the beginning, i started pretty much at the back (got there late, too busy talking bla bla and before i knew it was at the back) Atleast 10mins was wasted in the first sections of the race.
If i was doing it this year i would be aiming for 2.20-2.30. Am alot fitter than last year also.
Load my garmin route into your Edge and race me virtually Smiling
goodluck, let me know if i win or not Eye-wink


Brian's picture

I'll probably load it but I'm aiming for about 4 hours

ar_junkie's picture

You might still beat him Brian... he could have a mechanical.
Sticking out tongue

Antsonline's picture

hey guys - I've been riding down there a fair bit rcently. Its super dry and fast.
Pick some smooth tyres, run some low pressures and crank up that Wall!
Just make a mental note "when I cross the creek on the 3rd loop, thats when the climbing starts" and you'll be fine!

Its a great race, my favourite of the year. See y'alll down there.

Brian's picture

Got a whistle just in case

loki's picture

It also says "water resistant jacket"

I don't really want to shove one of these into my backpack as it would be too bulky. (At least the one I have now is very bulky...)
Does everyone carry one of these? Are there any lightweight non-bulky alternatives? eg disposable poncho?

It's a 50km managed event where you'll be a maximum of 10km from the event centre, not a solo overnight outback adventure. Is this stuff really necessary or am I missing something with regards to the track and conditions?

Brian's picture

I'll be taking one mainly because its on the list. Mine is about 185 grams and will fit in the outside part of my back pack. If its really cold I'll probably be wearing it.

Lach's picture

Every year I've done the Fling, Huw has announced that the raincoat is not mandatory. But it's never rained at a Fling......

Even 10km out from home on a wet winters day in the southern highlands, a crash or mechanical could lead to exposure / hypothermia if you end up unable to move or even just needing to walk it back. Be guided by the conditions on the day, but be prepared to take / wear a raincoat if it's wet.

Brian's picture

Here's the weather forecast for the next 48 hours

loki's picture

I got a whistle - $2.99 from Rebel Smiling

And having seen the weather report (max temp 10 degrees...) I'll be taking my spray jacket too. It is a bit bulky but I guess not very heavy so should be ok. (BTW they have spray jackets in Rebel but they're ~$90 Sad )

Hopefully not too cold or raining on Sunday!

Safe riding everyone Smiling

loki's picture

Had a really good day today Smiling
Not sure of my time yet as my Garmin stuffed up on the first lap, but somewhere around 3:20 which I'm happy with.
That singletrack middle lap was awesome! And all the downhill over the waterbars Smiling :-) Eye-wink
(Sorry for the guy who wiped out though and hope he's ok)

Not overly impressed with the organisation with regards to the parking though - spent 45 minutes in a queue to the parking spot and ended up 10m from the road into the place and could have reversed into the place and saved 45 minutes! The guy at the registration tent complaining about late checkins wasn't appreciated...

Rest of the day was great. Plenty of direction signs and heaps of people/cars directing bikes at intersection points.

Started raining and hailing on the way home so looks like we finished just in time!

Many thanks to Wild Horizons for the event and congratulations to all who completed the event.


Brian's picture
Brian's picture

Well done to Steve01 for making the podium.

homerj's picture

Agree about the guy telling us off like school kids for getting to rego late. Turkey.
Apart from that. well run and great fun, will be back next year.

Antsonline's picture

Honestly - how good is this race?

It must be THE perfect introduction to 'marathon' MTB racing for the masses. Such a great vibe all day, a brilliant track, and that first loop allows the field to sort it self out so that there is little 'argy-bargy' when things get narrow.

Me and the missus both had great rides, but we also took 2 MTB 'virgins' there for their race. They were blown away and are completely hooked despite some serious misgivings beforehand.

Be there next year for sure. Book it in if you missed it!

twotommos's picture

I must concur with Antsonline, my first big mtb event, thoroughly enjoyed it and a few small climbs! Some big stacks...fantastic weather and a great outing!

Brian's picture
loki's picture

The photos are expensive! $29.95 for one photo, or $50 to download all.
Plus it's very difficult to view any of the photos in advance too with the preview so small and with their name plastered all over them.

Are there any other photos of the event? Something online to show family and friends what we did last weekend?

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