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Mt York

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Imperial park Mt Victoria
OK this is a CTMBC ride but open to everyone (you'll need to sign the disclaimer but there are no entry fees). It is part of the Celebrations of the 175 anniversary of the opening of Victoria Pass.
There will be plenty of things to do and see besides the ride, including Historical re-enactments at both Mt Victoria and Heartly Historic village so use it as an excuse to bring to family/better half up to the mountains for a bit of culture (the duck off for a ride while they are not looking).
Mt Vic School will be providing a BBQ lunch for a gold coin donation and the will be various spots to grab scones and tea (including mid ride.)
Official proceedings will begin at 11.30 and we will be starting the actual ride along with the historic car rally at about 1pm.
We will head out towards Mt York and then descend Lockeyers trail into Heartly Vale with a possile Devonshire tea stop at the Commet Inn depending on what people want.
From there back out to the highway to the base of Victoria Pass and thus up the easier Berghoffers Pass and back to Mt Vic

Were you there and have a story to tell?
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Tell 'em the distance & vertical, Flynny!
I assume it's that small park corner of Station St & Harley Ave?
Leave 11:30, when do you expect to return?
The loop is just over 20km and has about 600 fall and rise. Though the big climb up Berghoffers is more pleasant than it looks.
Rob. The ride departs 1pm. As part of our involvement I have to advertise all the other stuff as they would like to have bodies int he park while they woft on with their official stuff.
It is the park to the right of the Highway at the Traffic Lights (Near the Impearial Hotel)
Rock up about 12 have a bit of lunch and sign on. We leave 1pm and depending on if we stop at the Commit Inn at the bottom for Scones and Tea the ride should take between 2 and 4 hours.
There is a whole heap of stuff taking place in Mt Vic and then Heartly for others to fill in the afternoon while we're gone.
That doesn't look like a pleasant climb 750 metres in 2k - is there a T-bar or Quad chair
need to get the eyes checked. Thats 750ft in a little under 5 miles. Geez and I thought you'd be one of the few people on this site that knew about feet and miles
use the switch to metric button,.
Berghoffers pass was made because as cars became more popular they needed a cheaper way of getting them up the pass (For a while there was a team of oxen that towed the early model cars up Victoria pass.
Berghoffers was cut at a much gentler grade to allow the under powered cars to make it up under their own steam. The ride up has spectacular views over Heartly and other interesting stuff, like the 175yo convict bridge that is still holding up the highway to look at and take your mind off the up.
What's that I hear? Cries for lap or two of Lisdale beforehand?
Also, There are 2 other Convict roads off Mt York we are not using for the ride. Coxes rd is a techi descent and Lawsons Long Alley has some pleasant ST back through farm and before a stoopid steep but short haul to the top .
I'll be caught up in the hobnobbing but those two trails are pretty well sign posted and you could always check them out before the official ride.
stuart I was only looking from the 10 mile mark
I'm in for this and keen to do the other two trails Flynny suggests, they get a good word (and a map more importantly!) in Hugh Flowers brown book. Rob, you fancy joining me? Anyone else?
Yes, yes... I'd be up for some pre 1pm (official start time) outing before the main ride.
How long you reckon it would take? Would 11:30 give us time for a look-see before returning for some grub and the official ride?
I'm not sure but I think there's at least a couple of hours worth there, so I think I'll be starting about 9. I'd rather have the time to make sure I know where I'm going and have a good explore and play about on any technical bits.
You'll enjoy Coxes. I've never been overly fussed with Lawsons. There is some pleasant ST at the bottom but the descent is a tad ho hum. It's a good way to get back to the top with a bit of pushing.
I will be there for either the pre 11:30 ride, or for the 1:00 ride. I need to be in the Blue Mountains by Saturday evening anyway. So this works for me.
However I will be picking my bike up from KOM on Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. Hopefully this will give me enough time to travel up to Mt York from there.
I will repost or msg you if I am unable to attend
Hmmmm... a 9am meet at Mt York means leaving home at 7am. Hmmmmm... does it really need to be that early? Don't forget the 'main' ride is leaving at 1pm.
How long do these other trails need? Would a 10am start be more reasonable (still gives 3 hours) and allow Ditty to join?
I reckon 10am would be fine, is it a date?
Probably just best to assume I will be around for the 1:00 p.m. ride. You blokes can tell me about your earlier ride when we meet up.
Oh well, no Ditty but I'll be there at 10 Matt.
Can we not tempt anyone else? New trails...
It's a bit of a way to drive alone so would like to take a passenger or two if poss.
would be plenty of time to get down Coxes and up Lawsons and probably down Lawsons and up Lockyers... Depending on pinch flats of course
If we have a spare bit of time, even after the ride, we could head out to Hanging Rock, one of my favourite waterbar experiences and one of the best views/endings I've seen.
It's pretty easy to ride up to Blackheath and out to the rock from where we finish, there is an access path on the right hand side of the railway after the high way crosses it as you leave Mt Vic. It is a good ride and worth a look. Also getting there on dusk is cool as you can spot the lights of Sydney through gap in the mountains and sun set over the Grose is nice.
Sorry guys. My bike is in the shop until Monday now, as KOM can't fit my service in until after the weekend. Will have to bail from this weekend's activities. Damn. Was looking forward to this new trail. Have fun anyway.
I wanted to do this one, but due to many weeks off work this year I'll be working Saturday to help pay some nasty tax debt
"Believe it or not, non-cyclists sometimes think they have something interesting to say!"
Okay, I have secured a lender for the weekend, so I will definitely be able to make this ride at 1:00 p.m.
I am still to see if I can make the pre ride at 10:00. Matt and Rob, I will let you know my plans shortly.
You can't beat a bit of an explore of new trails, and you'll love Hanging Rock if we get to it...
There's a cool 3d photo of hanging rock here (third down)
and one of the infamous ropes swing vids
Just read your posts...
FYI you actually have a flatmate who has two bikes that she would have lent you happily! So you would rather NOT ride than ask???
Amnesia or stupidita??
i assumed he was riding the cell from his post....?
leftphobia????? ( "a common ailment found in specialized riders!)
as I said:
stupidita! Very common between idioticoticas, a rare species that can be found amongst Norco riders as weel as Specialized riders
Besides once you've riden Specialised you never want to ride anything else again
Latte (decaf) - $3.50
Arm-warmers from Torpedo7 - $15.00
NobMob lycra top - $100
Ditty riding a girl's bike - priceless
play nicely, no need to tease specialized riders we do a good enough job of that our selves.
Take the lefty Liam I dare you!
so does this mean liam is going to have an 'epic' ride tomorrow?
Epic? No. More like a massive Enduro!
massive endo
he may not want to give it back!
Yes, I will, if I break it
if you are worried about the strength, I could lend you some faith
he still has to pedal to the top of Mt York (Victoria Pass for all those that don't know where they are going)
Berghoffers. A much gentler and more pleasant ride. I even use to take the fixie up that way, back in the day.. running a 52/16...
Gotta give em something to look forward to / be scared of.
Rob will have the loop he and Matt done earlier.
Cheers for coming up and giving me an excuse to ride those trails
The drop down Cox's in the morning was a tad steep:
Rob's left leg and right arm is a tad sore after veering off the Lockyer's sniggle at a rate of kays, which explains why he wasn't riding in the afternoon. Ooops
...kicked his ass for potentially injuring himself for the Mont?
You didn't injure yourself, did you????

What is going on here??
Nobody is allowed to ride until after next weekend
Having said that... anybody in for a night ride on Wednesday? Still haven't tried the new lights
Will post one now if there isn't already one...
Some shots from the earlier ride are now here:
Top tracks, will have to do a write up on 'em.