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I went shopping this morning for a replacement for my Garmin heart rate monitor strap which carked it at the Mont, and bought a speed and cadence sensor as well, with the aim of fitting to my Cannondale Rize.
Got home, ripped open the packaging and read the instructions (yeah, I do that - weird, huh?) then went to put it on the non-drive side chain stay and .... stopped.
Bugger. How's this gonna work?
The rear brake hose and its guide on the swingarm are exactly where I need to put the sensor. Tried to see if it could be fitted in front, behind, over the hose and frame guide or under the chain stay and no go. Over the hose and guide were most likely, but still extremely ugly.
So for the moment it's on my hardtail, but would welcome info from anyone with such a bike who has figured out hwo to fit the Garmin speed/cadence sensor to their Rize. Thanks for your help.
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The speed and cadence sensor comes with two rubber shoes. One with a low profile and the other which is designed to go over cables and hoses.
I don't have a Rize, so I can't speak first hand, but I did google a picture of one and I can understand the predicament. I would have thought that underneath may be an option.
Perhaps you could cut into the rubber shoe to accommodate the hose guide?
Your predicament sucks. Just an idea, how about cutting 2 strips of coat hanger and place them either of the hose then use the v shape base rubber on top.
its not the rize but it is a cannodale...
I just read in a more recent thread you got your sensor on, I'm curious to how you went about it.
The sensor got put on the hardtail.
Still thinking about it, but will probably carve up out of a plastic block a bridge to go over the hose and guide, and mount the sensor on top of that. Just gotta scrounge some suitable materials.