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Wow - tough ride

Not sure how to describe this event - a mixture of both pleasure and pain.
Long periods of extreme pain from unbelievable cramps. My muscles were spasming like there were aliens inside them moving around from about 25kms to the end. Getting off didn't help - the only thing to do was to keep moving and keep the legs spinning. I think maybe the three red wines the night before wasn't a good idea, but then again lots of others I spoke to were cramping.
Then there was some of the best flowing single track ive ridden to boost the spirits in the second 50. Not sure if I liked all the "luna park queue" single track with the orange tape and switchbacks in the first 50 but I guess it was different.
Pulled into the 50 at 3.04 and headed out feeling OK until...
...I had an OTB dismount when going too fast over a log at about the 55km mark which dampens the spirits, especially when you later discover this caused the five GU satches in the jersey pocket to explode as I discovered later when I put my hand in there to grab one. My left hand is now covered in GU and my fingers are "GUed" to the brake levers and grips for about 20kms until I decided to get off and wipe them in the sand so that there was a layer of sand between the gloves and grips.
Next my water bottle (filled with secret mix) which had been bouncing out of the cage all morning jumped out and the top blew off sending the contents into the dirt. So now I have no GUs and very little fluid for about 20kms - hmmm things can only get better
Stopped at the great feed station at around 80kms (they had such a selection) and refuelled, spirits lifted and power up the hills into the 90km mark but... the 92km mark when I was flying down a fast dirt road at about 45km/h on my own I missed the signs (I am not convinced there were any, only pink ribbons) saying turn left - I kept straight (ie wrong way) and at the bottom of the hill when I notice houses and no body around which was about 1.75kms further on I made the call to turn around and retrace my route up the hill again until I found the missed turn. My little sightseeing expedition cost me 10 minutes and around 20 places in the overall ranking!
I finally finished with a time of 6.44 so not too bad considering the events in the second 50. I guess the body will recover and the memory will fade so I'll be back next year with plans to do better in the second 50.
It was a great day and we were very lucky with the weather given the rain on Friday / Saturday.
My ride profile (including 3.5km detour). No wonder it was tough - there was over 3,000m of ascent and according to Sportstracks 54% ascending 18% flat and 33% descending although I dont actually recall any flat bits.
- Nick R's blog
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I've done that before and in my experience and the extra km's are as much taking on the mind as the body. I got effort overall. Well done.
Well done Nick. Nothing to be embarrassed about there. Even your 50 time smashes mine so you have done really well. Someone was saying the second 50 was supposed to widen out into easier riding. But looking at your elevation chart, there's nothing doing. The second 50 is at least as hilly as the first. Top effort mate, you did good.
I also often found myself riding along in the second fifty humming along to my tuneskis paranoid about missing turns!
Luckily I managed to stay on course... I often found myself riding along with a sudden pang of... am I still on course? and with nobody in sight ahead or behind, its an un-nerving feeling...
Good effort still spanking out a great time despite the detours and dramas!
Liam - the second 50 was definitely harder / hillier. Being a techno geek I ran some analysis on the results and the average time difference was 32 minutes slower over the second 50. BTW you must be happy with 3:25 and 30th in your category - you blitzed all my mates who did the Intern.
Loz - I put it down to the buzz of the Red Bull shots at the last drink station and excitement of seeing the 90km sign a few minutes earlier that made me miss the turnoff. Next year I'll have it loaded in the Garmin so no wrong turns. Well done on such a great time given your knee, mech problems etc. Hill Fests and commuting to work paid off!