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Action I've Taken

Questions for the Minister for Climate Change and the Environment
As I'm yet to receive a reply to my letter to the Minister for Climate Change and the Environment I just shot this off to my local minister, Jillian Skinner. Let's see what response this gets...
Dear Mrs Skinner,
I am writing to you as my minister for state parliament and have an issue I would appreciate your help with.

Ministerial Complaints
I wrote a basically unchanged version of the below letter earlier this year but didn't post it then. Along came the task force on National Parks and a few other initiatives.
However, the conversation today has prompted me to fish it out and send it off. I also sent a copy to the minister for sport & rec and asked that they help influence the provision of cycling facilities.

Ministerial Taskforce on Tourism and National Parks in NSW
I just emailed this to the taskforce (see Tourism and NSW national parks) and will send hardcopy tomorrow. As they've moved the date there's plenty more time for writing and hope this will encourage others.
The Secretary
Taskforce on Tourism and National Parks
GPO Box 7050
Sydney 2001
July 8 2008
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing in response to your invitation for submissions on the Ministerial Taskforce on Tourism and National Parks in NSW.
Some time ago I was a tourist visiting Sydney and was introduced to a number of National Parks at that time. I now live in Sydney and make much use of urban National Parks in the area, and given the impression left from early visits make it a priority to take any out of town or overseas visitor to any parks I can. In addition to this when planning short breaks I will often include a visit to National Parks further afield, once again becoming a tourist visitor to these places.
From experience described above there are a few points that I believe should help visitation as part of your plan. These points are summarised first, then explained more fully after, I hope this aids your reporting processes.
So, to summarise:
- Better general promotion both on-line and in popular tourist spots.
- Examples of activities/suggested itineraries to draw visitors into parks.
- No visitor centres in remote locations – only the bare essentials, probably staff free.
- Public transport infrastructure to urban National Parks.
- No motorised activities.
- Equality of walking and cycling access on all trails.
- Update the cycling policy and make it more consistent across all parks.
- Better planning of tracks & trails.
- Return single track alongside existing one way firetrails.

National Parks and tourism
Based on the call for comment Rob posted here
Below is my submission
The Secretary
Task Force on Tourism and National Parks
GPO Box 7050
Sydney 2001
Dear Sir
As a keen park visitor and avid cyclist I read with interest the
recent report into park usage and am pleased a task force has been set
up to help encourage an increase in sustainable tourism use.
A major limit to my visitation, and that of many other cyclists, is
the severely restricted access of cycling on trails with in National

Welcome from your local member
This is partly off topic, but I recently became a citizen and today received an introductory letter from the local state member.
Of course this is just spam that they send out to everyone, but I took it as an opportunity.
I replied in thanks for the welcome. Then pointed out a few things that were on my mind. Supporting a renewable and sustainable lifestyle for all is required. Less dependence on the car, better public transport, more and proper cycle lanes, more access to public lands for recreation, etc, etc.

agreed about commercial
activity , I don't want to see that either , all I want is to be able to ride in the bush without fear of a fine .
But what ! should we just throw our hands up give up and accept this with out at least chalenging this blanket ban on our sport?
Well Im not so here is my 00.2c worth at least its something.
You might think me naive but without a lobby and no voice of opposition NOTHING will happen.
Here is the letter I just sent to the Environment Minister Verity FirthDear Minister ,
Verity Firth re: NPWS TASKFORCE
Dear Minister

Response to Public exhibition of the draft Sydney Water Catchment Management Regulation 2008
I've just sent the following in response to the SCA regulation. It's pretty generic so should work for all. If you'd like to help please copy/paste this (add your postal address to the top and name to the bottom of course) and email to [email protected]
May 27 2008
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you with comments on the document titled "Public consultation draft - Sydney Water Catchment Management Regulation 2008". The version I write on was displayed on your website at the following address:

I signed their Dirt Jump petition (Kurin-Gai Area)
Will you? Good to see them trying to go about it the legal way.
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