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Action I've Taken

Over 2 years of NPWS indecision on Mountain Bike Trails
Following up from NPWS issues - It's time for some letter writing!, here's what I just sent to the minister and senior DECCW staff:
Dear Minister and senior staff,

Council meeting results on WSN Tip site
Good news about the proposed plan for the WSN tip site in Belrose:
We had four speakers in favour of the mountain bike trails option (Option 3) for the WSN site, including the local State member for the Belrose area, and a resident who has nothing to do with mountain bikes but wants to see the site utilised well.

Please vote for DH in the mountains
Only takes 10 seconds...
At the moment 85% of respondents are in favor of the recent closure of Old Bathurst Road downhill trail at Blaxland in the lower blue mountains.
This decision has set a bad precedent.
Please take the 10 seconds to click no and even up the score for MTB'ers.

Glenrock Volunteer Maintenance Day Pics from March 13, 2010
I thought this may be of interest to you guys. Of late we have been getting very active with the NPWS up here in actually getting in and maintaining the trail network.
We worked on a very difficult section of trail near the Treatment works known as “Shit Happens” and were working in conjunction with the NPWS, who have done a lot of machine work so far and will continue with this as an ongoing project.

Formal notification of Manly Dam trail reopening
Formal notification of the trail reopening just appeared on Council's website:
Apparently the amended trail signs are to be erected by the weekend.
For those who had volunteered their time for Operation Secret Squirrel, thanks so much for your generosity. The erection of the signs will distort what we were hoping to achieve, unfortunately, so it sounds to me like a good excuse for y'all to go use the time for a ride instead. I'm probably going to sleep in.

Notice of Motion
Councillor daveh has proposed the following motion:
Item 6.2.2:
That the steep boardwalk with the steps at the top be known as Laugesen's Climb.
It's painful and tiring but once it's over, hopefully it's well worth the effort!
Seconded: Councillor Beresford
Do we have speakers for or against, or should we move straight to the vote?

Council meeting results: battle won, war still going
I just wanted to express my gratitude to all of you who turned up. I was the tall corporate looking guy in the black suit two rows from the front with the blue tie.
Your presence and and good humour made a significant difference tonight. I didn't do a count of numbers, but we did indeed pack the chamber, to the point where the mayor invited those standing at the back to take up spare seats at the side. I'd also like to thank Councillors Virginia Laugesen, Vincent De Luca, and Christina Kirsch for their support and sleepless nights spent working to deal with this issue.

Spread the news in the office
Dunno about anyone else, but there are quite a few cyclists in the office I frequent at the moment.
So I printed out the main jist of the Manly Dam story, a little explanatory text and the council's press release and stuck it up in the bike cage.
While I was doing this two guys asked about it and were horrified. One claimed to never ride an MTB but then when he saw it was Manly Dam said, "Oh yead - I've been there!"

Manly Dam dissapointment
Dear All,
I have sent this email in frustration and disgust at the treatment shown to us Mountain
Bikers. Yet again a minority has destroyed another activity for the popular many. The
mountain bike community is being discriminated against as well as not shown the courtesy of
discussion over the issues.
The lack of understanding shown by you all is amazing, as the sales of bikes continues to
grow yet you do not realise this, or plan for facilities that are usable by them.
In the media every day we hear about obese children and unfit people, yet as soon as they

Manly Dam - NEWS just in!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Jeff,
After much researching and communicating, it looks as though we may have found a way to reverse this decision at the Council meeting on the 23rd of February in favour of all mountain bikers!
I ask you to remain patient until then.
Kind regards,
Cr Bob Giltinan J.P
T: 02 9938 6319
M: 0418-471-459
F: 02 9905 6169
E: [email protected]