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Winco's picture

Get out your brollies and wellies

Forecast not looking good folks. I'm getting fed up with this rain...sorry...I mean showers Eye-wink

daves's picture

BoM Sydney Radar update

I noticed just now the Bureau of Meteorology has updated the Sydney rain radar to a high resolution doppler radar:

What does this mean for us all? Not much I suppose, but it now has a 64km loop with more detail on local areas, and something that tells you which way the wind is blowing. Handy if you're stuck in an office as I am, and want to know...Smiling

Rob, how does this affect the Nobmob weather page?:

sensai_miagi's picture

don't worry - this is why it's wet

we've just gone through the worst month of the year for wet trails as i see things should start getting from here...

kitrou1's picture

Dam weather

Anyone thinking of riding the Dam tonight - just wondering with all this rain what the conditions were like?

philberesford's picture

Ourimbah track conditions after rain?

Hi Guys
I'm wanting to go up to Ourimbah this weekend for a look at the course and get some training in for the Fat Tyre Festival coming up. However, having never been there before I was wondering how well it would've coped with this rain we've just had?

Thanks in advance

PS Have looked at the Nobmob weather page

GAZZA's picture

weather check john?

its been raining hard over night in the east. Any news of the weather over western sydney for this weekends race? I recon its gonna be a mud bath and ive got 8 hours of it!

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