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Yep he is gone for 2 years and stripped of '10 TDF title. Just a matter of time till they get caught I guess.

Arms Brunch for Cyclists
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Newport Arms
Kalinya St
Newport NSW 2106
A Great Event, at a Great Location for a Great Cause...
The Arms Brunch for Cyclists will be the first social gathering of cyclists on Sydney's Northern Beaches. The event is run by cyclists, for cyclists, about cycling.
The aims are to increase the awareness of cycling in Sydney, build better road safety amongst cyclists, provide valuable information about cycling performance and training and raise money for the Tour de Cure Cancer Charity. There will be a great mix of new and experienced riders as well as some experts on cycling.

Upcoming Cycling Event
Hello NoBMob Members,
Sunday Feb 28th will see the first Arms Brunch for Cyclists take place. This is the first event of its kind run by cyclists, for cyclists, about cycling. There will be a buffett style brunch as well as presentations on nutrition and hydration for cycling, x-training for cycling and bike maintenance.
The event is for both Road and Off-Road riders and is a great chance to mingle, learn a bit more about your sport and raise money for a great cause. All the details can be found at
Hope to see you there.

MTB star upsets roadies in TT Champs
Hi all,
Check this out - especially the last comment!

More laws? Yes Please
I saw the link on Twitter about some new laws about to go though in Texas "The Safe Passing Bill" if we could only get something similar here.

Roadies: check your lights!
Almost hit a couple of brothers (cyclists) while driving home at dusk yesterday. One wasn't wearing a light and the other had some bees dick useless light. Sure, i'm glad there wasn't an incident, but i see riders with no lights or a lot with really tiny lights all the time and it's frustrating. It's unfair to drivers. It would be hard to blame a driver that hit a rider in such circumstances. Please, if you ride on road at night, look at your lights from a decent distance some time and see if they are actually effective (big and bright).

Sydney to the Gong 4th Nov 07
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Sydney Park, St Peters
ok, i know i will be forever seen poorly amongst the nobmob crew but i do this ride every year and i actually enjoy it.

Virgin Commuter
Dunno if anyone knew, but my time of walking to work has gone, replaced most of this week by sitting on a bus in traffic (yerch!).
However, today things changed. Finally got everything sorted for a ride to the office, and here it is:
Stats are wrong for a number of reasons, and a few wrong turns were taken. But the ride wasn't that bad at all so hopefully this will become a regular occurrence.
Can't do this all the time on the Rush of course. So... suggestions for a commuter bike?

Berowra Valley and Castle Hill (Fred Caterson Reserve)
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Big training ride epic...
Okay I know this sounds like a big ride...thats right its going to be 60km of joy!
After the Galston Gorge, we hit tar on Quarry Rd and head for Castle Hill via Round Corner on the Old North Rd, we get off at Gilbert Rd and take some parks, and backstreets to get to Fred Caterson Reserve.
There are some hidden gems of single tracks here, plus the trails within the reserve proper and the BMX track, which is always good for burning excess energy.