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MTBA insurance
Can anyone explain in layman terms what cover is provided by a MTBA licence? In an email lately, they've changed things slightly.
Personally, I already have income protection, death & permanent disability insurance.
[Mod. moved to shopping - this is discussion of a specific service provider]

Sparrow Hill stack
After beating last years dirtworks time by 2 hours, I was looking forward to similar improvements at the doctor, fling, fat tyre festival, jetblack 12, corc 24 and mont 24....
Not to be however.
During a fairly social lap of Sparrow Hill on Saturday morning, a simple front wheel washout combined with an uncharacteristically rocky landing zone conspired to bugger up my next year of biking activities.

I'm *almost* back on the bike...
So after 5-ish weeks off the bike due to the broken wrist (scaphoid) I finally had the cast taken off yesterday!
Back on the stationary gym-bike today, and hoping to be back on the real bike in a few weeks time.
I'll need to, given the 10kg of beer-weight I've put on...
See you on the trails soon,

Andy I quit
Andy I'm quitting the competition on who can injure themselves the most.
I'm ahead on broken bones
Andy, you're ahead on blood and slong damage
Gazza, you got the stitches cateGORY sewn up dude.