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CTMBC Sheep Station
This years Sheep Station Race will have a 50k e bike catergory startint 30 minutes before the other catergries, 9.30 start ,breifing 9.15, enter online at pay on the day

MTBA looking for member stories
Hi Everyone,
We are wanting to do a series of campaigns surrounding MTBA and becoming a member and we would like to use some stories from people about why and how they became a member.
Obviously we would be looking to people who have a real story to tell whether that they have overcome something very serious in their life and used mountain biking as their wellness tool.

Hassans Walls Plan of Management. Draft Plan of Management now open for pulic comment
as per title
I haven't had as chance to read it all yet but a quick skim seems pretty positive
Of what I picked up so far as mountain bikes go
Good points:
They did away with the one way road idea.
Pony express trail to stay
Recreational trail management system recommended
Points of caution:
Rezoning a portion from community use to bushland. I'm not sure what impact that will have, I need to read it closer.

Ginga Ninja Cancelled
Have to admit, the cancellation of the Ginga Ninja would have to be the most pathetic I have encountered in 17 years of racing MTB.
36 degrees!!!
Too Hot!!!!
There would not be a race of any type, shape or form west of the dividing range and north of Sydney for the whole summer.
I think we need to take responsibility for ourselves in all our personal endeavours.
All competitors sign our life away before we race and if you don't like a little heat, then don't race.

Eastern Blue Mountains Escarpment Master Plan survey
The BMCC has released a proposed Master plan for the eastern Blue Mountains escarpment including Knapsack Gulley and Yellomundee Regional Park as well as Yellow Rock. Please take time to invest in their very short survey and propose more cycling infrastructure including the reopening of the old Glenbrook tunnel.

West Cycle Classic: Throw some sponsorship my way for a good cause
This year I am participating in the 5 day West Cycling classic which raises money for the Westpack helicopter.
While I hope I never have to use the rescue chopper I'm extremely grateful this service exists and the club did, in fact call on it's services at one of the DH races at the Statemine a few years back
Anyway I'm hoping people will be willing to throw a few dollars my way to put towards the donation. If you are able to donate please visit the sponsor page at

the need for a Peak trail building body and National standards survey
MTBA have releeased 3 options papers on the development and implementation of a National standard for Trail building, Trail builders accreditation and the formation of a peak body . The discussion papers and a survey can be found here
My personal opinion is it's bureaucracy for bureaucracy sake and that in such a large and diverse country the 1 standard fit all approach is unworkable.
It's also a lot of money to develop a Standard when we already have the IMBA guidelines.

2016 Twilight round 8

Hassans Walls Plan of Management. Discussion paper now out
The Hassans Walls Plan of Management, discussion paper has been released and can be read on councils website
Over all it is a positive document however there are a few points of concern and I urge all users of the reserve to read through it and have their say using the online feed back form
A few issues I picked up on a quick skim through
Page 42

Hassans Walls Plan of Management. Discussion paper now out
The Hassans Walls Plan of Management, discussion paper has been released and can be read on councils website
Over all it is a positive document however there are a few points of concern and I urge all users of the reserve to read through it and have their say using the online feed back form
A few issues I picked up on a quick skim through
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