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steep hills
Cripple Creek
At a Glance
A network of fire trails that spans from Blaxland to Yellow Rock. Great for a short rides. Best for linking the Lower Blue Mountains to create some epic rides.

Quarry Road Track
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
End of Stewart Ave, Hornsby
There's basically four sections to this out and back firetrail: Great downhill (Anderson's style) descent that lasts forever, that gets down to a beautiful bridge. Then followed by an equally forever uphill (the erosion on some of the tarseal doesn't help) when we come to a campground. That's before hitting the steepest bit of all, which goes forever. Things start to get a bit easier, as it's only small inclines and declines for 3km before the Quarry Road gate. After turning around, we go off to the left fork at the campground for more small ups and downs.

Already planning an encore
Wow! What can you say about this trip... this place... that can do it justice? I guess you really can't so this will probably seem a bit short:
It seems like an age ago that a very brave Supagav posted up this trip and left it open to all. Amazingly brave but it worked out beautifully, and many thanks to him and V and the folks over in NZ for taking care of so much of the organisation.
This was a bit of a strange experience for me to be honest. Usually taking care of every detail of a trip, but this time was able to just turn the brain off and wonder around, eating when food was shoved under my nose, getting in the van when everyone else did, sleeping when tired, pedalling when there was a hill to climb and grinning like an idiot when there were sweet, flowing berms to follow. It was all a blur, but that just about sums it up!

12 gates of hell
Ah, Tien... what a sadistic b@st@rd he is for suggesting this!
A surprising number of suckers willing riders showed up 7am this morning though and off we went. Soon though, the hills ticked by, as did the laps and one by one they fell away until just Tien, myself and another mystery rider (oops... I forget your name, how embarrassing) were left.
Below is a list of excuses for finishing last (of, did I mention, only 3?) pick which one you like the best...

Sean's Belated Birthday Dirtworks Training Ride
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
West Wisemans Ferry. Turn left bottom of the hill. There's a small parking area I hope we can all fit in!
Just what it says on the related forum topic. Wanted follw Rob's ride from this time last year and look at the last section (this makes up roughly Km 72-92) of the 100Km Dirtworks course. The plan is to meet at the West ferry (turn left, not right bottom of the hill), leave cars there then cross on the ferry riding the 5Km or so to bottom of the climb so as to be warm for that. Then ride the Womerah Range trail, turn round and ride back.

More on commuting
I wrote a while back about doing a bit of training on the commute so am following with an update. I've discovered that going over to Cremorne and Mosman is a nice little detour and now the route looks a bit like a tour of the lower north shore. Check it out:

West Head for Blondie
Riding up Heath yesterday, Blondie was telling me how much she loves those hills.
I was saying how the only real hill in these parts is the climb up Elvina so what's say we do a Duck Hole/Centre loop on Saturday morning but go up the road to Elvina on the way? We could even throw in Waratah if Blondie is feeling good.
I don't want to go too early or make too large an epic out of this as I have to go to a wedding later that day.
Anyone keen (aside from the obvious?)

Dicky Knees and Hills
Not quiet as advertised, but the ride today was still certainly a hill fest - 1724m in 66.7Km. That ratio would certainly be much better for the first 50Km though - if only MB would give these stats per lap.
Changes were made because once we got moving the consensus was that Cascades & behind the Wildflower garden would be a bit too wet so we hit up all the trails on West Head to Towlers and back. Yes, even Elvina on the way back - the gang loved it when some mad fool peeled off down there. Oh yeah - and a quick up and down Chiltern too, just for good measure.

Terrey Hills + West Head
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Park opposite/beside Terrey Hills shops, corner Booralie Rd/Yulong Ave. Or in the small carpark next to the RFS station & community centre.
Craig & I are planning an afternoon blast around Duck Holes, Warimoo, Centre & Terrey Hills (Perimeter + Long) Thursday arvo.
The route is most likely going to be same as this:
We will be aiming for virtually zero stops and total time out of less than 4 hours. Depending on how that goes we might even tag a visit to Duffys Trail on too.
It's a bit of an unconventional schedule (early thursday arvo - yay! ) but anyone looking for a long ride at decent pace is welcome to come along.