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NoBMoB Chat

The ol' gettin' chased by dogs on the bike...
I went for a ride today, exploring this new industrial area they've put up near my place. I was riding down this new road which turned into a dirt track. So I thought I'd have a bit of an explore. This dirt track goes for about 500 metres, eventually leading to a farm's driveway ie a dead end. So I stopped for a sec, caught my breath before turning around to head back the way I came. Next thing, I look up to see these two massive dogs tearing down towards the road from this bloke's farm house. I hop straight on the bike and start sprinting hard down the road, while one of the dogs has jumped the fence! Anyway, the dog chased me for about 500 metres, almost grabbing my foot a few times.

road rides...
Would any of you know of a group like NobMob who organise friendly road riding? I have a couple of friends who want to take it up and have asked me where to go - I know nothing about it... one knows what he is doing and the other is a newbie - they both live on the Northern Beaches...
Thank you!

Dam yesterday arvo
Were any of you guys riding The Dam late yesterday afternoon a blue Kona Stinky?
Around the same time as a guy on green Giant downhill?
If that was you, cool ride

Air filters
These used to be pretty popular for couriers riding round London IIRC. The sort you wear over your mouth to protect your precious lungs.
I haven't seen them about over here, anyone use them? Anyone know whether they're any good or just pointless?
Following buses isn't much fun in the fragrance and possibly health department...

coffs trip- returned, update on trails
Hey all back from coffs, was too busy enjoying the beach and cocktails to do do much biking, but following the directions of a couple of guys on farkin, I found the most amazing downhill those guys run- basically you go from pacific highway, about 5-10 mins drive nth of coffs, and turn left down bucca rd..stard ascending up (car is a must, we went in a van but a 4wd would be a good idea further on!) then next left to central bucca rd., then keep going a while and finally a right into Mt Coramba Rd., from here its a steep spirally ascent on gravel/fire traily rd up, and up, and up..all the while you can see the single track winding along the sides of the road and then back into the scrub.. try to imagine Towers at ourimbah, 2 times steeper and probably 3-4 times the height! -then you follow this road all the way to the top- where u reach a view with the only pic i took! (soz camera was busted)-will post the very top..then find the single trail starting at the top (which starts with a ridiculously steep and ledgey single trail, which then smooths out to a steep flowing single track windy and switchbacky, jumps, drops, bridges (a bit north shore style), crossing fire trails, burms, and its beautifully carved right down the side of a mountain- all with b lines that are equally fun, and are clearly signposted at the highly dangerous bits- but nothing as crazy as say, lizard rock..breathtaking views too,- and the trails were so damn fast, was hitting 65kph on some sections!! Highly reccomend!
I know he's been around for a while, has anyone checked out any of his videos? They're bloody excellent some of them.

Pre-war Cyclocross
This link appeared on MTB-OZ over the weekend, thought it too good not to share:
Later on, you can see two riders (2 & 3) emerging from the rocky forest, where they were probably chased by bears hired by the organizers. That's how hard these guys were.

Skills tips
What with all the talk recently about skills lessons and how to videos, I thought this might be of interest to some
This ones on cornering technique
Happy trails

DH riders????
hey guys, just seeing if there are any DH riders keen to hook up for rides?? im getting over ridding on my own! cheers

MotionBased Roll Call
Thought it might be fun to do this... If you have an MB (aka. MotionBased) account, or come across any interesting people that do then shout out here.
I'll start with my own - on the presumption it's of interest to someone
A few guys well known on the MTB-OZ list: - Rob Parbery - Andrew Cassie - Craig Flynn - Mullet - Tim Wighteman