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NoBMoB Chat

VC's picture

Good Luck

To all Nobmobers, good luck for the Angry Doctor & Irate Intern on the weekend.See ya there. Go for it.........!!!

[Mod. moved to NoBMoB Chat]

twotommos's picture

Two things to clarify...

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I was riding at Terrey Hills on the weekend and was pretty much keeping to the left of the fire trail...came round the bend as was nearly taken out by another rider on the same side of the track as me. Is there an unwritten protocol here for us?

danielschipper's picture

Hey slackers.. Update trail status

So every time I ride I see heaps of people out and about.... But the trail Status for Manly Dam was 1 week old and Cascades 3 weeks old.

Come on guys... If you ride the trail update the status....

danielschipper's picture

Why do I get punctures?

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Out at Manly Dam today and got a nasty puncture on the rear tire. Double snake bite... Lucky I had just got a pump and repair kit...also had some co2 canister which made getting up to pressure easier.

Rob's picture

Cyclists v drivers? They're often the same people

Research suggests a boom in cycling among affluent 'mid-life crisis' men and car owners

Oh dear Eye-wink

I'm saying nothing... aside from I only have one car, an old one at that which is seldom used Sticking out tongue

craked's picture

sick of riding alone

anyone going to menai on saturday morning and wouldn't mind me taging along on their ride? Smiling all that snake stuff has got me paranoid

philberesford's picture

Warning | Snake season has started early

Just a warning, almost ran over 1.5m Red Belly sunning itself in the Wildflower Garden yesterday. Looks like we're not the only ones enjoying the nice weather this weekend.

I thought we had at least another month or so before dodging any snakes. Looks like my compression bandage is going back into the camelback.

Ride safe

Rob's picture

Wall of bikes

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.



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