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Easter Mud Bath

What a keen lot these guys are. Rain? Cold? Mud? Sand? Ah, who cares!?
Loads of rides seemed to be going on over the Easter long weekend. The picture here is what happens when two different rides happen to meet at the end of Terrey Hills Long Trail. All smiles and loving it!
There are also a few shots from the Manly Dam ride that actually took place at Oxford Falls in the Oxford Falls Gallery.
Wet? Muddy? Only a few intrepid soles out here, but still looked like fun!

Lisdale Write Up
With the memory of last weekend fading fast, and a bunch of new rides to look forward over the Easter break, just a quick note to let everyone who wasn't at Lisdale State Forest see what they missed out on.
Managed to pull a GPS path from the trusty MB trail network for a map, picked a few photos and wrote a few words about, what everyone agreed, was a damn good trail up in them there hills.
If you weren't there, check it out, well worth the trip.
Rides Database: Lisdale State Forest

48 Hours of Rides
Looking in the forum right now and seems if one was game, they could spend the whole weekend out on the trails!
First off, we have Saturday morning at Ourimbah - where many seem to be keen to make a day of it. Although you could come back to Sydney for a huge ride from Cromer in the arvo.
Then on Sunday, quick blast round the Dam maybe? And round off your weekend with an afternoon somewhere random with 9-Lives.
Nicely organised guys - something here for all and no excuse for not getting out!

Huge Oaks Turnout
Wow! Would you believe so many people willing to get up at 5am on a Sunday morning?
Big, thanks to Stuart for the organisation of yesterday's ride and sticking to the apparently crazy start time. As it turned out that was just about perfect. A few drops of rain felt as we drove away from Glenbrook at the end of the ride and home in time for lunch - nice
Hope everyone had fun, certainly seemed that way.
See you again, out on the trails!

15 October - Terrey Hills
We organised this ride for some folks who were keen to get some mountain biking under their belt for a 36 hour 150km Run, Ride, Swim and Abseil race coming up... Welcome to Steve, Dale and Asher, who did brilliantly and we'll see you out there on the trail again soon I hope.
Wow, what a turnout. 19 riders, I think this has broken the record, whatever that was! After yesterday's heat it was a beautiful cool morning. Marred by some dog troubles (Celia's Labrador sucked down too much mud and Christina's dog threw a fit at not being allowed to go). Some great stacks and we were lucky enough to catch one on camera. It was funny, Greg said, let's wait at the bottom and get some photos, we might even get someone falling off.. chuckle, chuckle.. and.. well, check out the day's photo gallery for more...
Asides from having photos of you sweating, puffing and bleeding published on the Internet, I had an absolute blast and for such a large number of riders it worked out really well. There was a small breakaway at the end, but fortunately they got back early enough to order a coffee for me - Thanks Greg!

Red Hill now Black
I doubt anyone has missed the news about bushfires near Narrabeen. Judging from the pictures on ABC news just now seems like Red Hill will be very black this weekend.
Story on the fires from the ABC site:
Sadly can't find any pictures online that show the extent of the area affected, but from the few seconds seen on the TV am guessing it's quite a lot - from Picnic Point south to at least where the 'legs' of the Red Hill stick man fork off (look at the north part of this map to get the gist - Picnic Point is the 'head').
Update - Oh wait, found this: the video online. Around 300m South of that 'leg' fork there's a house with oval pool, you can clearly see the fire very close to that property, and also the AoS and Wakehurst Parkway to the North. Around 1.5Km between those points at least.

The Inaugural Howling Good Time Ride
I had so much fun at last nights "Howling Good Time Ride" that I felt it deserved a little more than a note in the forum. I know, we didn't actually go on the Full Moon but I feel the atmosphere on the night, created largely by the weather, justifies retaining the name.
Our intitial plans were obviously to make the most of the natural light provided by the glow of a full moon, Christine still maintains that this would have been more than adequate. Our hand was forced though by the weather, with forecasts of storms developing, rain periods continuing Thursday with gale warnings along the coast, had memories of last months aborted attempt by the "fine weather brigade" flashing through my mind. This and the fact that Rob's bargain buy of the month lights had shown up in time for him to shine up made a fairly unaminous decision to move the ride forward a night easy...

Looking back on the weekend it's hard to believe that for most (only one injury) Saturday seemed pretty much like the perfect day. I don't know how the other guys travelled, but Arpit, Fargs and I made an easy journey to Red Hill road, arriving maybe 20 minutes ahead of time. Without a doubt this was due to Arpit's directions as both turns from the freeway (it's left then left again at the next 'T') would have been wrong were it left to my sense of direction.
The rest of the gang turned up pretty much on time with the exception of Fargs' pommie mate, although timing would be the least of his worries (see 'messy' later). It was nice to see such a great turn out - and also such a relaxed bunch. Everyone seemed happy to relax until all were set for the off...

Manly Dam - A Soggy Wet Bog?
Thanks to Stuart for a bulletin on Manly Dam yesterday, give this a read if you were thinking of heading out there soon:
"Rode Manly dam this arvo and, well, its not quite the all weather track it once was. Loads of standing water on nearly all sections of trail, even the golf course single track had standing puddles but was probably the driest section of the lot."

27 May 2006 - Morgan Road
Ryan, Greg and I joined the guys from shutup and ride at morgan road sat arvo, a full report can be read at shut up and ride with photos: Saturday 27 May - Oxford Falls.
I must say we all thought we new morgan road well after 4 years of riding it ,we were very wrong and we were shown I completely different aspect that was 1000% more challenging and new.
An amazing ride with pain coming up the other side of deep creek and then doing the cross country course back to front.
Anyway we have a lot of new tracks to show off and we are planning on doing them this weekend so stay tuned and I will send an invite to all, closer to the end of the week.
Gavin (groache) NOBMOB