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In for the Fling Mega Loop

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
End of Ralston Ave, Belrose - this is on the East side of Garigal National Park.
Badly needed training for the Fling. This will be a mega-loop on the Northern Beaches, about 70km all up. Starting at Cascades, up to Wildflower Garden, across to Terrey Hills (L + P + DH + C), down Powderworks Road, along Slippery Dip Trail and Morgan Road through Oxford Falls, arrive back at Belrose. Home, beer, big steak dinner and then bed.
Main aim is to finish rather than flog myself. A decent pace but mainly try to stick to brief stops but this will all depend how the legs feel as have not done a ride this long.

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I'm in. Looks like a tops loop. A real test for the Fling ! And a test for my legs ..... Looking forward to it. How long do you think we'll be in the saddle for ?
Guys you should add Manly Dam to the start and end of this - adds another 20k and gets the brain thinking thru some technical stuff when you are tired.
Would be great to join you but am working all weekend.
I will be in a White Honda CRV and park where the red pin is on the Google map.
Sounds like just the ride I need - I'm overdue for a longer training ride too. Haven't ridden some of these & will be good to see how to link them up.
Looking forward to it, should be a good ride.
Study your maps people, I am no expert in linking these up either! I am sure that we will find our way around somehow.
Great ride today,
it was nice to meet some new faces - pretty knackered but at least the storm came so I dont have to mow the lawns.
That was fun. Thanks for a great ride today gentleman. Riding was tops. Weather was perfect. Picture perfect post card views. Got to ride a bunch of sweet new trails. And yes those endless hills ! Today was a vivid reminder of why I love this sport so much. I look forward to riding with y'all again. Bring on The Fling ....
Indeed it was. But did you know there's even more trails you could've linked-up to turn it into a 'Titanimammoth' Loop?
It was a great ride and I think we were all a little reluctant to call time but other duties beckoned (sodden lawns excluded). Probably not such a bad idea given it was getting a bit warm. It would have been interesting on those hills with that much water running down them yesterday arvo. Great to meet all of you & good luck for those doing the Fling.
Thanks also for the ride. Nice to get out with a large-ish group, plenty of new people to talk bikes with! Would have been nice to carry on but calling time was a smart move with the storm rolling in. Not sure Jason enjoyed it as much and don't think he is talking to me today! Just as not his day and he had to go to work last night as well, ouch.
there was more than six of you when we bumped into you at the Perimiter/Long junction
Looks like a great ride. jacojoco and I have penciled in a plan to do this one.
Thanks for a great ride guys. Great fun, particularly the company and the downhill sections.
Apologies for getting lost at StIves, didn't know there were that many extra trails around there. Not sure I am keen to see as many concrete sections again in the first half of a ride, I recon we went up about 10 of those pinch hills and at least 8 of there were after someone suggested the hills were over.
@hawkeye I think we found someone in cascades so there were 9 of us when you saw us. Have your climbing legs on when you do that ride. There was about 1000 m of elevation in the first 40k.