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Riding buddies / guides in hornsby area for Pom over visiting

Hi There
Firstly apologies if this is in the wrong place, i wasn't really sure where best to place it.
I'm over from the UK until the 13th Jan and have my bike and my night riding lights with me. I'm staying in Hornsby and am really keen to get out riding so if anyone could show me some local trails i'd really appreciate it. I don't currently have access to a car so am cycling and using the train to get to ride.
I do have two sets of night riding lights with me so if anyone fancies a go a night riding i'd be happy to swap use of my spare light for your local trail knowledge.
Anyhow - hopefully i'll get out biking soon
Oh yeah - i'm happy to ride anything from 60k epics to short sharp steep technical blasts
If anyone wants to get in touch short notice my email is [email protected]
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Right location? Meh... close enough
For an Epic you'll really want to join a ride at Andos (Andersons) and The Oaks. Check the thread here for discussion on trying to sort that out:
You can ride either (Andersons and/or The Oaks) by taking the train to Glenbrook, Woodford or Wentworth Falls depending on what route you want. Details:
Knapsack Reserve is at the bottom of the Oaks (Glenbrook) and very nice too:
Watch out for the stinking hot weather mind. If you head up to the mountains (Woodford altitude is only 600m or something though - don't expect it to be cold) you'll probably want to take the first train you can. Eg. says Hornsby to Wentworth Falls (this is where you'd go to find Andersons) takes 2h37m if you leave at 5:03am, or 2h07m if you leave at 7:03am. Stepping off the train at 7:40am or 9:10am respectively.
For local trails you can get to without a car? You should be able to get to these on bike from Hornsby Easily enough:
Also, you can probably easily get to Lane Cove (LNCP) by train:
To do that (get to LNCP by train), take the train to Turramurra and ride down Kissing Point Road. You can also have fun riding back up there
Another option would be to take the train to Macquarie University and then ride through the University to the park and enter by the freeway underpass. This is basically the bottom of Kissing Point Road.
Sorry, this is the only way I know how to get into LCNP but there are probably better options someone who knows more about that park can give.
I might be riding locally between Xmas & NY in which would be happy to give you a ride from one of the train stations close by me (around 20mins on the train for you) to Manly Dam or Terrey Hills. It's a long shot mind, am only just riding on the road again after injury
There are some friendly guys in Honrsby mind, I'm sure they will be able to help you out more
Anyhow, hope that helps a bit. Cheers!
on who wins the ashes...
A mate and I are hatching a plan to do the Oaks some time in the next few weeks. If that gets up we'll let you know.
I am delayed in Singapore at the moment due to the snow. Have a 3 hour delay.
I and 'the missus' are planning a complete smash-fest on Boxing day if you are keen.
Its gonna be about 95km, and we will be doing it in about 5hrs (we'll pretty much be bang on 20kph for the total ride).
Its around Wisemans Ferry area.
It possibly more than you fancied, but putting it out there...
p.s. I too am a pom.
awesome cheers guys, i promise if we win the ashes not to mention it (too often)
Seems there's plenty of riding to be done - by the looks of the trail info on the site the oxford falls trails all look pretty good. Hopefully i'll get out on the bike soon.
We're probably going to be heading down to jervis bay for the week between christmas and new year so if anyone fancies a ride this week, or will be around and wanting to ride after new year then i'm definitely up for a ride.
- not sure i'll keep 20k's pace for 5hours on my bike - i run a 1x9 set up on a fairly slack geo bike so can carry an ok pace but am more looking for technical trails than flat out distance ones - cheers for the offer though and enjoy the ride!
I might try and get out on the trail out the back of hornsby one evening this week if anyone fancies a night ride.
Hi Tom,
Riding from Hornsby, these marked routes can we worth trying to navigate along.
Grey: Road
Blue: Flat Fire-trail
Pink: Mildly Hilly Fire-trail and proposed future location for off-road cycling facilities (OMV).
Yellow: Hilly Fire-trail and leads to proposed future location for off-road cycling facilities (Montview).
Orange: Very Hilly Fire-trail and proposed future location for off-road cycling facilities (Golden Jubilee).
Green: Extremely Hilly Fire-trail
[Mod. linked image]
@Antsonline, I wish I could ride at 20km/h over that distance. Maybe one day
dude - you're welcome to join us for half the ride if you like!
Seb Coe said of running 800m fast "you first need to run 400m fast. but to do that, you need a fast 200 in your legs...." you can guess the rest.
Seriously though - if anyone is keen to join up, more than welcome. Fire me a message / pm
Sounds like a killer ride Ants. Sadly I'll be in Radelaide for Chrissy. Have fun and ride hard!
cheers for the heads up on the local fire roads - i'll try and get out on them in the next few days
We're heading off for a bit of a road trip after christmas, the first week out through the blue mtns and then up north (ish) so if anyone wants to suggest a top, technical (preferably singletrack) ride in the blue's that'd be great, if not i'll just bimble around and see what i find!
Then after new year we're heading off south so i've been looking at stromlow, fingers crossed it's open (and i can convince my non mtb friends to spend a day over that way) but there seem to be stacks of trails - any suggestions on how best to link them all together and do the whole lot in one go?
I'll be finishing my time here in thredbo and having seen the prices of lifts and the requirement for a 3hr introduction to DH i definitely won't be paying up to do any downhill, but i am hoping to do some epic biking (possibly koscioszko if you're allowed to do it by bike?) and make the most of my time down there - so again, any suggestions would be great.
Prior to christmas i'm really hoping to borrow a car and get over to oxford falls for some riding, i'll pop something up here if i know i'm going but if anyone else is heading out that way and fancies showing me around it might add more weight to my 'can i borrow the car' conversation, and also help me from getting lost!!!
While down in the snowies, you'll want to do The Pinch Ride
Distance: 55.81km
Elevation Gain: 1,177 m
Elevation Loss: 2,436 m
Min Elevation: 299 m
Max Elevation: 1,792 m
You need to organise a reliable party to collect you at the end though. It's a steep 60kms from the end of this trail back to Jindabyne. There is no mobile coverage on this ride either (least there wasn't 3 years back) so take the necessary precautions if you decide to do it.
Of course this ride can just be done by parking at Deadhorse Gap, and then riding out about 10km (?) to Cascade Hut, have some lunch, then return to the car. The ride down the fire trail from the top of the ridge into the valley where Cascade Hut is is a hoot!
phew - got out to oxford falls today and had a mid day blast on the DH track (finally a trail that when they say 'warning this trail has some serious features', actually has some serious features! Wish i'd had the DH bike with me because the main lines weren't getting done on my xc rig!
Went for a dip in the sea to cool down, twas a hot one today huh!
Then went back and rode a couple of the other trails - think i did power lines the wrong way (down) which is awesome, then realised my error and rode back up it (does anyone actually clean the whole climb? surely that big step / drop sections near the top is un rideable without trials techniques? and then headed further out and rode a trail by the remote control club entrance (moon rock?), again, seemt o have riden this the wrong way (white arrows pointing the other way?), but man that slickrock up top is awesome, exactly what i was looking for (we only have 2 decent bits of slickrock in the UK and there both in scotland)
So having ridden power lines down and moon rock i'm bursting for more, or maybe a night ride round moon rock (what are the night time animals like over here? is night riding ok on singletrack or best kept for fireroad?)
So cheers for the pointers - i had an awesome day, now i just need to get out to manly dam
nightime animals around here are little furry critters with giant claws , sharp teeth and a thirst for human blood, they carry accomplises in their pouch who attack from behind so beware.
so the ute drivers are the most dangerous thing i'm likely to encounter then
Well if anyone fancies a night ride, i'm hoping to squeeze one in, either on the powerlines and moon rock, or once i've done a daytime lap, around manly dam.
I have a spare Exposure MaxxD light and mount if anyone needs a bar light
Watch out for Drop Bears!
If your Heading west over towards the Blue Mountains I would suggest checking out Yellomundee and Knapsack.
Also check out this ride event posted for in the Blue Mountains Tuesday after Christmas Scribblies You will need to get one of the guys to send you a Personal Message for the Meet location as it is a hidden gem.
Heya mate,
If you're free, you should definitely think about the Tuesday Scribblies ride. Send me a PM if you're coming along and I'll let you know where it is.
Definitely some of the best single-track I know of - smooth, fast, flowy. Brings a smile to my face every time!
hey guys
cheers for the ride offers - we did a weeks road trip up north and got a few rides in, am back now with a broken car waiting to be fixed and then hopefully hitting stromlo later in the week en route to the snowys
did the back of hornsby ride again today, got got by a leech - never mind the drop bears, the spiders and leeches are enough to worry about!
if the car isn't fixed soon i'll be getting out on the train and bike - maybe to my annan if anyone fancies it, or lane... (park / grove / can't remember but i guess you know where i mean)
and if anyone has any other suggestions, or bits of secret single track i could get to from hornsby with no more than a 10k (ish) road stint let me know, or if you don't want the whole world to know drop me an email - [email protected]
Email sent.