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West Head Hill Fest

Rob's picture

By Rob - Posted on 15 January 2009

Saturday, 17 January, 2009 - 08:30

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

3 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Centre Track
Ride Database Entry: 
Duck Hole/Terrey Hills Trail
Ride Database Entry: 
Elvina Track
Ride Database Entry: 
Towlers Bay
Ride Database Entry: 
Waratah Track
Meeting Point: 

Park opposite/beside Terrey Hills shops, corner Booralie Rd/Yulong Ave. Or in the small carpark next to the RFS station & community centre.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

As discussed before, I can't go for an epic or anything too early on Sat so propose a few hills for some fun...

Meet at Terrey Hills shops then ride Centre (yes, backwards), Waratah, Towlers Bay, Elvina, up (yes, backwards) Duck Hole and back to shops.

I can't be bothered to work it out, but should be under 40 clicks and take 3 hours or so. These are some nice hills (esp. Towlers and Elvina) so be prepared. Sadly there is some black stuff to join them up... but... meh!

It's billed as 'training' so I'd like to go quiet fast and do the lot with minimal stops. Perhaps just at the end of Waratah and top of the Towlers hill.

Who's in?
Rob, tienster, Buck, lorrie, ar_junkie, Steve 01, Beth (7 riders)
Rob tienster Buck lorrie ar_junkie Steve 01 Beth
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
ar_junkie's picture

Most of the roadies are down at the Tour so bring on the hills!

christine's picture

I have the perfect excuse - a breakfast at 9!!
however, in the spirit of things I am planning to get up early and ride Heath Track before breakfast.. double YUK, early, on my own and... heath track!!!

Buck's picture

You may as well go up Quarry Track while you are down there. Should only add 8min? Smiling

christine's picture

... piss off - in the nicest possible way! lol

craigs's picture

make a lovely early saturday solo ride... enjoy the solitute and your ipod.. rocky perhaps?

christine's picture

will be so loud that i will happily sing along and not be able to hear myself.. oh! that won't be happening on the way up now will it because i will be cursing my 24hr teammatees and everything and everyone inbetween trying heroically attempting to breathe..

craigs's picture

in a more leisurely 'b' group if there are a few a bit hessitant at the pace of the 'a' group. It's a fine circuit posted.
I am sure we could finish in the same half of the day as the a's Smiling
But then maybe I should make sure I have my forks back before I commit to anything!

tienster's picture

Craig, i'd join you at a slower pace as i will be riding from Wahroonga to Terry Hills and back if you like.


LadyToast's picture

Sounds like a great ride... I would come if I wasn't riding the next day. Enjoy guys!

ar_junkie's picture

Good training, and they are just training rides... Eye-wink

craigs's picture

I will have to retract the slower training ride offer. The forks were not ready so Sat am will be putting things back together.
Have fun guys.

Rob's picture

Come on Tien - you'll be right. You see Lorrie is coming too Eye-wink

Stuart M's picture

I'll have plenty of time to catch up while Lorrie fixes his bike Eye-wink

Let there be light

Buck's picture

OK I can come now. I have a feeling the only time I will be seeing you guys is at the bottom of Waratah though!

Rob's picture

Very nice it was today. Bit of carnage with Tien suffering a nasty off, Buck ending up in the bushes and Lorrie taking a spill at almost the exact same place. Amazingly Steve01 stayed upright the whole time though - although came very close while tweaking it on water bars on Centre Track.

Given the mishaps we only did one real hill and had to skip Elvina (not sure anyone was keen to go there by the time we passed anyhow). Note the vertical was still 1100m climbing in 45Km - very nice.

tienster's picture

Left, right, left or right - not the middle. A bit of skin is left on Towler's.


Bernd's picture

.. no, but at least you know a good Dr!!

Buck's picture

You forgot about Tien losing control in the sand and then headbutting me off my bike!

Oh can't wait for the photos of Tien's arm.....mmmmm fat poking out of flesh Smiling

Once again....bring a first aid kit boys and girls!

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