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Sydney (North)

Fh4n's picture

Downhill tracks around Sydney (coming from abroad)

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Hi guys,
I'm from Germany and will travel to Sydney in September. I was looking around for bikeparks and downhill tracks in the area around Sydney.
Here on NoBMog you have the "rides" directory with MTB tracks sorted by the distance from Sydney.
I found Ourimbah State Forest for a one day trip. Is Ourimbah a kind of bikepark? I didn't found any information about shuttle transportation or lift on the website. Are there such transportations?
I will take my downhill bike with me. You listed MTB courses around Sydney as well, but most of them are XC tracks, right?

Andy Bloot's picture

Menai guided tour

A guy on Farkin posted about the huge number of riders at Menai yesterday. I replied that it was us. Anyway, he lives nearby and knows the area very well and he said that the area is awesome and next time we're there, he'd be happy to lead us around some of the best loops in the area. I like the sound of that.

arpit's picture

Map of trails where cycling (Barrington Tops)

Map of trails where cycling is/will be allowed :

Further, the plan of management is open for comment if you wish to do so:

Nik's picture

Lucas heights

Some good technical XC loops that follow along side of a creek.
XC loops range from 10ks to maybe 25ks

Also a few short free ride trails (but no shuttle access, so your pushing it back to the top)

Park oposite the nuclear reactor entrance on New Illawarra Rd,
The main trails start just down the gravel embankment on the western side of the road,

Watch out for dirtbikes, they wont give way...

Sly's picture

Critical Mass today????

Does anyone know if the Critical Mass bridge ride is today (Fri 26/10)?


red99td5's picture

I regularily do a ride from (Lane Cove)

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I regularily do a ride from Cheltenham up to Thornleigh on back streets, down the Comenarra parkway then right onto browns road. About 50 metres down browns road is a sign on the left saying kuringai national park. Follow the single trail for a few hundred metres and down some stairs and your on the firetrail. Turn left and after a sweet downhill run you come out onto the end of beltana place. Head to the right down another firetrail for more downhill and then past some old stables.

modelcitizen's picture

urban assault - cool spaces?

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Last night and also last thursday a mate and me did a bit of an "urban assault" ride.

Living in annandale (i know, NOT northern beaches, oops) I'm pretty lucky as i can be down on Jubilee park in glebe in minutes. There is a great path along blackwattle bay, and from there i can be in darling harbour in less than 10 minutes.

Noel's picture

new Epping-Chatswood line

Hi All,

This is my first post, got a MTB early this year. I like riding fairly flat ground without massive hills. In 2008 the train stations on the new Epping-Chatswood line will provide a great return trip (Maquarie Uni -> Pennant Hills) to the top of Pennant Hills. It's going to be a like a ski lift.


kiwiboy's picture

Any rides starting North Ryde end??

Any rides starting North Ryde end??
I have just moved offices to the wonderful metropolitan climes of North Ryde, and wondering if there are any tracks I can get around in a lunch break from somewhere near Julius Drive??
I know the northern walk is just right by the new office, but anecdotal evidence suggests I am not allowed to ride??
Also looking for lunchtime ride buddies....

if at first you don't succeed, try not to look astonished.

lorrie's picture

Fairfield City Farm?


Does anyone know anything or have been to the Fairfield City Farm mountain biking course? Where do we start - how long etc etc. Apparently this was the site of the 2000 Mountain Biking Course and someone was saying to me the other day that it was worth a visit.


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