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NoBMoB News

Rob's picture

Old Man's Valley Official Opening Postponed

This normally wouldn't make front page news, but given the last story...

Sorry folks, due to bad weather the OMV official opening has been postponed. The track will remain closed for the foreseeable future.

We've waited this long... please respect this decision and be patient.

Rob's picture

Old Man's Valley Official Opening & Post Ceremony Ride

There's a very exciting weekend coming... and also some confusion over what is happening so please take note:

On Saturday Feb 2 Old Man's Valley will officially be opened by Hornsby Council. As some may have heard, there will be an official ceremony in the morning.

This ceremony is invitation only. No matter how much you appreciate their efforts, please give the council the space they need to perform these official duties.

Following the ceremony, the track will be open to all from midday on. See our ride: OMV Midday Ride (Post Official Opening).

Now... let's hope for some nice weather! Eye-wink

Rob's picture

New Server Sponsor

Just a quick note to let everyone know that we've just moved server to a new site sponsor.

Please give a give round of applause to the very nice people at Demon-Host Smiling

As part of the migration I took the opportunity to update a few bits of the site software too. Everything looks to be running smoothly, but it may be that the software rodents have missed something. Please mention it ASAP if you see any problems or unusual behaviour.

Rob's picture

Please don't forget to complete the NSW National Parks survey

Below is a preview, click to read the full post

If you've got a few minutes over the holiday break then please don't forget to head on over to the Mountain Bike Riding in NSW National Parks survey and add your input. Link here:

More on this and discussion at the original NSW National Parks Mountain Biking Survey thread (thanks wilso_ac).

Justin's picture

Notification of proposed Hazard Reduction Burn in Royal National Park-Loftus Trails 8/9 September

Below is a preview, click to read the full post

Just an update on the proposed burn in Royal National Park. It did not proceed last weekend due to high winds but is currently being proposed for this weekend the 8th and 9th September.

NPWS are planning a large Hazard Reduction burn for the Temptation Creek area of the Royal National Park (including the single-track areas accessed from Loftus Oval). At the moment the planned date is Saturday 1st September to Monday 3rd September. It’s likely the trails will be closed for a while after that as well until they can be assessed as safe for the public to enter.

Justin's picture

Red hill trails

Simon has posted a message about trail damage at red hill that potentially affects everyone... See more here..

Justin's picture

Draft Pittwater Open Space and Recreation Strategy

Just received the following message from Pittwater council:

Pittwater Council is preparing an Open Space and Recreation Strategy which may of interest to your club or association and members.

The strategy will help Council manage its reserves and parks in terms of conservation, leisure and sporting activities. An important part of the project is to understand how Pittwater residents use open space, what they value about it and what can be done to improve it. Council is inviting residents to complete a survey to help them with this process.

Pittwater is unique due to its range of landscape settings - from beaches, waterways, wetlands, escarpments to developed sports grounds and villages. As Pittwater's custodians, a key component of the project will be the protection and enhancement of the natural environment. We will also be looking at how to provide a diverse range of recreational opportunities for people of all ages and abilities appropriate to the natural environment.

With this in mind, the survey focuses on landscape settings. Please take time to consider the landscape settings and their importance, taking into account of your needs, as well as the needs of the community as a whole.

The survey can be accessed at:

The closing date for the survey is 22 June 2012.

Once the surveys have been received and collated, Council will organise a community workshop to discuss the results and their influence on the planning process.

Residents completing the survey can enter a draw to win a dinner voucher for $150 at a restaurant of their choice.

Justin's picture

NoBMoB appears in Manly Daily

A couple of weeks ago, Bryn from the Manly Daily called to find out some more about NoBMoB. Here is an image from the paper of the story.

Rob's picture

Report backs new tracks for mountain bike riders

From the Manly Daily:

SEVERAL opportunities for new mountain bike trails and dirt jumps have been identified in a recent report commissioned by Warringah Council.

Mayor Michael Regan said the council had already give “in-principle” agreement to link trails at Forestville Park to new tracks being built at Garigal National Park.

The paper it discusses can be downloaded here:

Mountain Biking in Warringah Research and Directions.

This is currently on the council's public comment page which says:

Submissions are to be addressed to the General Manager and can be emailed to [email protected] or posted to the Civic Centre, 725 Pittwater Road Dee Why 2099.

Give us your comments by COB Thursday 15 December.

Full story in the Daily:

Rob's picture

Manly Dam is CLOSED weekend 26/27 Nov

Sorry to say, but as can only be expected after all this rain Manly Dam will be closed this weekend (26/27 Nov). See Manly Dam update for 25 Nov.

Interestingly this week there has been a rather heated discussion about the merits of the trail status system (aka. traffic lights - see Latest Trail Status feature) so at this point it's probably worth mentioning that this is a community site and relies on the interaction of that community for features like the traffic lights to stay current.

So a big shout out to all those who get involved and let everyone know about the status of local trails. Thank you Smiling

Best Mountain Bike