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NoBMoB News
Site outage - Major D'oh!
So... someone let the NoBMoB domain expire. It was renewed just now (Sunday morning) but a lot of people might well still see an outage.
It might be too late to mention this, but you can access all the NoBMoB content (and that from other Global Riders sites) on the below URL:
This site is kindof 'test' status and needs some work on the homepage and theme, but it gets the job done.
Of course, you could just login to any of the other Global Riders sites and so long as you have 'Always view content from' check in your profile (access and content) will be able to see all that content too.
Apologies for this. The head hamster will be taken out on a bike ride and fed to the first carpet Python we come across!
Apologies in advance...
... to all those who have added their support for the NSW NPWS paper.
When I canvased a few people and asked why they hadn't given their support yet, the main response was that they forgot, or just didn't have time. So I figured a subtle reminder was in order
Yes - 'popup' dialogs are annoying, but it's also annoying to see many people bust their ass for years to finally drag some key acknowledgements out of the department, only to then see only a few hundred people actually support that. Moreover when I know there are literally thousands of visitors to this site every day.
If you ride off road in NSW this surely affects you. Sorry for the none too subtle reminder, but please... take that 30 seconds and add your voice.
P.S. If you're on IE6 or IE7 you probably don't know what I'm talking about... please upgrade your browser
Keep those comments coming, and come along Thursday!
As you all know, the campaign for mountain bike access in NSW National Parks is hotting up. Feedback from the first forums is that email submissions are split 50/50 between those for and against the proposals put forward in the recent discussion paper.
This shows that there are opponents out there who do not realise the positive outcomes that this could mean for all parks users and who can organise a negative campaign. Yes, those positives are many, and they will benefit all users, not just mountain bike riders. This is a key concern to us - the trails are there to share!
While there are many comments online that support mountain bike riders, I know there are many riders out there who have yet to get behind this effort. Take a look at the enclosed graph knocked up earlier. This shows that there were big spikes in response early on, and again after a couple of organisations sent out email reminders. However, the number of submissions flowing has returned to a trickle once more. The comment count is currently not even 2% of the monthly visitors to NoBMoB which is pretty disappointing
Make no mistake - if you think your voice cannot be heard, or will not count, or that you can rely on others then you are wrong! It's is vitally important that we show the authorities how much we care and how many we are.
For those that think lobbying like this doesn't work, remember this:
- The Manly Dam closure earlier this year - completely reversed due to a massive campaign.
- Glenrock Regional Park - now with an official trail network after many years of such campaigning.
- Trail maintenance days in the Royal National Park re-instated - in no small part due to lobbying by local riders.
- This current discussion paper itself - a result of many efforts and has NPWS acknowledging several key points riders have been saying for years.
So please, take 30 seconds to visit the discussion site and leave your comments (scroll to the bottom of the page)... now!
If you can come to the NPWS MTB forum in Turramurra on Thursday night then all the better. See you there?
Good news from HSMBA
News just in from HSMBA. A great outcome for Northern Sydney
Hopefully this will take some pressure of Manly Dam. We should also hope other local landowners can follow this lead - well done Hornsby Council!
Quoting from the latest HSMBA mail...
On Wednesday 15th September Hornsby Council voted to support the establishment of a mountain bike facility within the Hornsby Park / Old Mans Valley area subject to funding.
The vote was unanimous and there were no objections.
If you get time go to the following site and leave a comment on the Mtb issue.
NoBMoB Feature in Pittwater Community Guide
A bit of shameless self promotion never goes amiss
I was asked to write a piece on MTB for Pittwater Community Guide and very nice to see it received a full page to itself (see attached).
Let's hope this encourages more people in the area to get out there!
Mountain bike riders set to blaze a trail through national parks
SYDNEY'S mountain bikers have always been hampered by one thing - a conspicuous lack of proper mountain trails.
Instead they have independently, usually illegally, carved their own tracks through national parks around the city fringes.
This could be about to change, with the state government to release a discussion paper today on ways of balancing the needs of the state's 30,000 dedicated mountain bike riders with those of people who go to national parks for the trees and wildlife, peace and quiet.
From SMH here (took up a good deal of page 3 in print):
Update: The Manly Daily's Take:
Update 17/9: The St George & Sutherland Shire Leader piece:
DECCW media release is here:
And the paper is supposed to be here from today (not up as of 07:00) here... discussion closes 18 October:
Update: Closing date for comments is now 25 October:
I cannot stress enough how important it is that everyone back this initiative! This means comment, comment, comment. Nothing is going to happen unless mountain bike riders show they have the numbers to justify proper facilities.
FWIW, I am meeting a NPWS Director Regional Manager (no longer acting director) this arvo for an informal chat that should now be pretty interesting
Comments for Mowbray Park Reserve Action Plan Close Friday
In case you didn't notice, Cadam posted earlier:
Willoughby Council is asking for comment for the Draft Reserve Action Plan for Mowbray Park. This area contains some potential XC and even DH areas and is just outside of Chatswood. Even though MTB is not mentioned in the plan itself, it's open for the community to comment and is an oppurtune time to let council know about the need for MTB trails in the area.
Comments close on Friday (September 10) so if you can write in and let council know more MTB facilities are needed on the North Shore now's a good time. Full details and discussion here:
This weekend's activities
A quick forum and riding round up for the weekend:
For some, this Sunday may well be their hardest ride of the year so wishing everyone heading to the Angry Doctor & Irate Intern best of luck. If you are still holding out hopes of snapping up a late entry BTW, check the classifieds - quick!
It's not all about the doctor though - don't forget those at tomorrow's Wollombi Wild Ride. If you aren't quite up to racing yet, perhaps a Novice Chix XC Clinic is the thing? Or for some plain old fun - head for the Yellomundie Roll on Sunday.
When out on the trails remember to stay safe and always ride within your abilities. There was quite a discussion about a recent accident at manly Dam. Also, look out for the wildlife as we were reminded snake season has started early and what lurks above the 19th hole...
And on the topic of snake bites, danielschipper asked, Why do I get punctures?. Other popular threads recently are, Two things to clarify..., a few words trail status updates, some pretty good tips on how to fix a Camelbak bladder and Frags wondered what to do with his Norco six 1. We also had news about Ku-ring-gai Unstructured Recreation Strategy - please comment!.
Finally, a few clips to rev you up for the weekend, check out these goodies...
Brian Lopes Downhill Run
Helmet cam | Peaty and Minaar | Worlds DH course at Mont Sainte Anne 2010
Post Office Bike jam
... and not so goodies from The Atherton Project - Season 2 Episode 7! Wishing superstar Dan and all those mere mortals out there who might be out of action right now (see above!) a speedy recovery.
Ku-ring-gai Unstructured Recreation Strategy - please comment!
A heads up to all those wanting to work for better trails in the area: Ku-ring-gai council have their Unstructured Recreation Strategy out for comment. Please take a couple of minutes to have a look and comment (not here - I mean in an email to the council) with your support.
Comments on the document should quote reference number S06520 and be directed to [email protected] or post to: The General Manager, Ku-ring-gai Council, Locked Bag 1056, Pymble NSW 2073
Just a quick, "I enjoy mountain bike riding in the area and fully support and encourage the council in their plans for better facilities for mountain bike riders." is enough
Submissions close 16 September 2010
More details on the link below, but briefly:
As part of a commitment to transparent and participatory decision making, Ku-ring-gai Council is seeking comment from the community on the draft Unstructured Recreation Strategy.
The strategy was developed to meet the following aims and to:
- Address current and future unstructured recreational activities undertaken within community land, such as walking, cycling and rock climbing, particularly within the Ku-ring-gai Bushland Reserve System;
- facilitate planning by addressing key infrastructure within the council area, which is not addressed by the Open Space Strategy;
- provide clear restrictions, permissible uses and guidelines for these activities, including the responsibilities of different user groups when utilising shared or multiple use facilities;
- provide guidance to bushland management and booking processes for relevant activities.
There are already some good trails in this area and I'd encourage everyone to write in and supporting this strategy to ensure these are not removed and also to encourage council to work with local riders for more of the same
Council link here with full document, and some taster maps from said document attached.
Another round up
Seems like it's time for another round up, so let's see what everyone has been talking about the last couple weeks.
First up, nix85 asked about bike cleaning and got some answers... and a whole lot of discussion about chain wear. tubbsy asked New rear shock, where can I get one? and got some answers... and a whole lot of discussion about shock issues and the fabled Drop Bear! Budboy73m asked Noobs first MTB choice...any comments? and... wow... actually got answers about a beginners bike
On the race scene a few people are getting a bit concerned about the upcoming Angry Doctor Enduro. There's a check list thread but beware: Supagav warned, Angry Doc is very very hard. Meanwhile the three Mixed Nuts took out Masters Fours at the JetBlack 12 hours at Dargle Farm. Reports from each of them here, here and here - well done guys!
Elsewhere on Global Riders, the BMORC guys looked forward to Clean up the World day 17-19 September - why not follow their lead and arrange some action at your local trail?
Finally, don't forget while planning your weekend riding that ee-lec-shun thing that is coming up - how annoying! flubberghusted suggested there might be A reason to vote and depending on your location maybe there is. If you're still undecided, remember to take a look around at which pollies help the MTB cause before making up your mind.