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Race tips for first timer
I am attempting my first race at the Capital Punishment 50km later this month and wanted to get a better idea about what happens at the start if anyone can give me some tips.
Is it a bit of a sh!t fight? What do i need to add to my checklist? Does everyone take off like a rocket or just cruise away? Is there generally a bike lock up area so you can leave your bike there the night before or not? Can I show up and just go with my wave (as long as I am registered)?
Manly Dam aggressive man with dog abusing cyclists
I am interested to hear if anybody else has been confronted by a 40 something year old angry man with an bull terrier who waits on the rock half way down the down hill single track behind the homes at allambie (southern cross way). he seems to be there in the afternoon on weekends and abuses riders and intimidates them with his dog, the last 2 afternoon rides I have done around the dam (some 3 weeeks apart he was in exactly the same spot.
NZ Heaphy Track
Looks like the National Parks in NZ will be opening the Heaphy track as a trial from May 1st through to September this year. This is an epic NZ ride - approx 82km's and about a 9hour day. It's well worth a planned trip if the DOC accept the proposal (which looks likely)
No church at Dirtworks
...just a reminder that we DO NOT have access to either the Church OR ANY of its facilities this year.
Hope everyone enjoys the race!
[Mod. title fixed - no need to shout. Moved to NoBMoB chat]
Commuters - Light up!
Although this seems like a rather obvious subject, I'm surprised with how many commuters (on road bikes and MTB) I have passed who had inadequate or zero lighting.
This is not limited to dawn/dusk times where some may argue that there is some natural light as I have passed some commuters at 9pm with just a single rear wheel reflector.
Hand... brake?
Warning: graphic content... do not follow this link if you have a weak stomach!
Saw this earlier - a very bizarre/unlucky accident report, but heed the warning above - there are some graphic images.
On the plus side... if you've ever wanted to see what an X-ray of a Hope brake lever assembly looks like, now's your chance!