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Trail Status Updates
The traffic lights are here
Anyone can add brief details on the condition of any trail areas on the site with the status entry form here.
Let's see how this goes. We might have to have an flag to show 'official' updates from rangers for places like the Dam, but conditions updates can be useful for other areas too.
If we make a habit of coming home and reporting back the conditions for others that would be great.
What is involved in a site upgrade?
For all the non-nerds out there I thought it might be interesting to give a small insight into what was involved with the site upgrade that happened over the weekend.
This also might be useful for any other admins out there upgrading from Drupal 5->6 (D5 to D6). Sadly this is still a little tricky, but hopefully upgrades will become less painful as the product matures.
Although Drupal 6 has been around since Feb 2008 it's taken 16 months to upgrade NoBMoB to this version, and here's why...
Email notifications not working?
I'll have to test this more but I don't think I am getting mail notifications with the D6 upgrade. I wasn't getting PM alerts with the upgraded mail system on the old site. Is there a new setting I need to check?
People logged in
OK, frist thing I have noticed. How do you see who is logged in now? Is that a module?
D6 Upgrade Done
What is everyone doing on the site on a Friday night? Shouldn't you be watching the cricket[1]? Or later the TdF?
Anyhow - hop to it... I'll be running a site upgrade once the tour hits our screens this evening. Should be out for 30 mins or something.
All done... and isn't it pretty?
Please start a new 'site topics' forum topic or PM/email me if you find anything funny going on!
[1] Doh... just as a wicket falls
Baiting & Trolls
Listen up people... I'm sure everyone is getting quiet sick of some of the name calling going on on a couple of heated threads in the forum.
Debate is good. Name calling and tit-for-tat bickering is not. If you want to do that stick to email or bugger off to where all the other kiddies hang out.
If you do not add value to a conversation expect that your posts will be deleted.
Just move along. Point taken?
P.S. There is no need for a whole bunch of 'Sorry, but...' replies here, and you can guess what will happen to any crying that is posted on this particular thread too!
PM Upgrade - Clean your inbox!
I'm thinking of upgrading the PM module to a newer (and naturally better) version. It changes the way things work to more of a 'chat' model than being similar to email as now.
Trouble is that as this is completely different model there is no upgrade path and will have to clear (delete) all messages in the system.
I notice there's 137 unread messages lying around but over 14,000 in total. NB: privacy advocates can chill out: 'select newmsg, count(*) from privatemsg group by newmsg;' doesn't exactly tell you anything but counts
Any objections? I would archive the old table of course and be able to pull out anyone's mailbox and email it to them on request.
Here is an idea for Rob,
Here is an idea for Rob, when you enter a new blog, have a column for rider # so we can search for other nobmobers
Cancelled Rides
Has anyone noticed that the calendar has changed? No? Well do a hard refresh (control-R) for most and you might see that cancelled rides now show in strike through.
This means when you cancel a ride just edit it and change the status to 'Cancelled' (or one of the other reasons). No need to change the subject and no more silly 'Terrey Hills *** CANCELLED DUE TO SOFTIES ***' titles.
More tracks and some stats
In case anyone was wondering what all those tracks were I posted on the weekend it's just more of the same as before.
As we get more and more trails actually mapped properly we're in danger of having some useful information here For example, have created a page to list statistics on each area here:
Think it's also time to share a link to the auto-magically generated Master KML file, which can be found here:
This shows the trails that are entered 'properly' on the site (so is a subset of the old version right now), but will work on that over the next few days. Will go update the maps page about this when am done too. Phew!