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For comments, suggestions, etc. on this web site.
Rob's picture

Clone Tab

By popular demand (really?!) we now have a 'Clone' tab on ride meetings. This is for all those too lazy to copy/paste the text from previous rides when repeat often (no - we will not introduce an auto-repeat - that is just too lazy!).

Just remember to change the date/time and title (it inserts, "Clone of" by default) when using this.

Enjoy! Smiling

Rob's picture

Colour Coded Trails

Manly Dam in Google Earth

Some of you may have noticed a whole heap of 'Track' content types popping up recently. This is as we will finally have colour coded maps shortly. All the KMZ files have been previously created by hand which meant the author (whoever that was Eye-wink) decided to draw the trails in completely random colours.

Soon the KMZ (well, KML file, actually) will be generated from the data in these 'Track' nodes on the site, meaning they can be colour coded according to type (firetrail, single track, etc.). An example of what this looks like is Manly Dam seen here. OK, sneak peak of full auto generated file here.

As a by product of all this we'll get some stats on Km of trails by type, location, etc.

And just a reminder of course, anyone in the Content Authors group can create a write up of an area worth riding in, and now create 'Track' content types too so individual trails can be mapped and discussed. There's more on that in the Content Author's Reference.

Rob's picture

New Server!

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In case you wonder why the little up/down yesterday. We are now on a new server, that looks a little something like this:

Being a nerd, I wrote some BS about it and posted pictures here:

Paul's picture

Race Scoreboard

Guys, I'm sitting here jealous as hell for missing Mogo and I can't get a good picture of what happened and who came where - How did Carlgroover go and Supergav and Leo. All the blogs too, they are everywhere.

So I was thinking if we had a Race Scoreboard page (just like Hot Laps) where people could record there times and link a blog then you only have to go to one place for a complete wrap up. It would also become a historical record of NobMob racing results.

What do you guys think and don't worry about giving Rob extra work he can handle it.

Rob's picture

We are not alone

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This is interesting:

Seems the Singletracks site (a mainly US based site - but that also has trail info in some places here) has received several 'take down' requests lately. Ie. authorities contacting them asking them to remove trail info from their site. They write:

In case you’re curious our policy has always been to update trail descriptions rather than remove them from the website entirely. This is so everyone knows the deal, including mountain bikers who had previously ridden trails that are now closed.

Rob's picture

Site down... WTF!?

Sorry for the extended outage just now folks.

Had to reboot the server (front intake fan needed replacing) and for some reason when it came back none of the Kernel modules would load. Lots of errors as the silly thing thinks I changed the cpu!

version magic ' mod_unload 686 4KSTACKS ' should be ' mod_unload K8 4KSTACKS '

Great, huh? So it's in a 'barely alive' state right now after I shoved just enough modules in ('-f' is your friend) to get the network going and the site up.

Just for fun one of the RAID arrays decided it needed a rebuild too, although that could be down to me having to pull the plug a couple times.

Hmmmm... think a kernel rebuild is in order, might as well upgrade while we're at it.

Such is the life of your sysop!

ar_junkie's picture

Road Riding Section

Rob has graciously allowed and created a roadie specific 'group' that enables road rides to be created in the calendar, but will only be seen by those who have subscribed to the group - Scummers.

So if you are keen on training/riding on the road and want to join fellow NoBMoBers for group rides, subscribe to the group using the link below:


Damien's picture

New Layout - Better.

Thats a much better layout a lot easier to look at the various rides, races and other things. Didnt like the ride calender being cloged up with all those courses couldnt see what was coming up re rides and races.

Rob's picture


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Hmmmm... some of you might have just seen me giving T7 a plug and dropping the 'we now have a referral' link thing going with them. Anyone think this is a good or bad thing? I'd guess most are indifferent - if you have no feeling, no need to say so. Sticking out tongue

I think most of use know about their service and what they are about anyhow. If we stuck a little 'sponsors' box on the left (under the random image for example) this would promote them to people who don't know who they are, and also provide them with that referral.

Rob's picture

Site Outages

Dear all,

Hope most haven't noticed, but unfortunately some will have (especially after this afternoon) this site has been a bit on/off the last few days.

Appologies for that - something to do with hardware upgrades that weren't as straight forward as they were meant to be. This seems to have caused a few instabilities to creep into the system. Sad as before it was rock solid for over 260 days!

Anyhow - please bear with us - this is a development 'play' machine after all and hope it will be back to all faithful soon.

Best Mountain Bike