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Fling Training and Learning to Love Hill Reps
How's everyone's Fling training going? I'm loving these sunny days, which make it so much easier to get up early and get some training in before work.
I'd be interested in other people's advice on training for the Fling... in particular, how do you do hill reps?

Highland Fling / Wingello Prep Camp / Ride
Hey all.
Hopefully this is deemed as 'non-commercial' - as its completely free!
If you werent on Facebook, or Twitter you wouldnt have seen that there is a free one day 'Highland Fling' training day being run at Wingello this weekend on Sunday - its all being arranged and coordinated by the good folk at Cyclery Northside.
I am running the day and am being ably assisted by Australian Junior XC rider Jayden Ward - who is fresh back from racing Junior World Cup, and the Bundesliga - he has skills to burn.

How much exercise ?
This came across my information flow and it touches on some stuff me and my training buddies sometimes ask ourselves. Don't know if this is of general interest or not. If you don't think you are at risk of over exercise then there is no point reading this stuff.
Is what we do good for us? We've all been told exercise is good but is more better?

Enjoying your training
Two things happen to me that cause me to prepare hard in reference to a certain date. The first is each engineering exam period. To put things quite frankly, it‘s a drag. I'm sure this semester will be particularly so due to it being the hardest I've done so far. Needless to say, I look forward to this period with no pleasure and will be very relieved when is all done.

Wollombi Wild Ride
Hey Guys,
Anyone recommend any trails (fire Primarily) that would be similar to the Wollombi 30km?
I want to start training and need some good hills.
I was thinking the oaks.? I'm Narrabeen based, and don't have a road bike- not really interested in doing that.

Switching between a single speed 29'er and a dually 29'er...some advice pls
I recently bought a single speed hard tail 29er. I currently also have a dually 29er which i really enjoy.
The set-up is very similar to my dually which has served me faithfully without any physical issues to date. The only difference is the Thomson set-back seat post and the 80 shock (much lower in the front on the SS. I also have a riser bar on the SS as opposed to a flat bar on the Dually.

Reccomended route for 100km training ride near Sydney?
G'Day Folks,
In prep for the Convict 100, I am keen to get in a long training ride this weekend on biggest hills I can find near Sydney.
Wondering if anyone can recommend somewhere - ideally a route with similar sized hills.
My thoughts so far, Oaks up to gate and back (50km) and repeat to make 100km. Bit boring though. Would appreciate any other ideas?

Tentative Pre Convict Training Rides
To complement my Convict 100 training consisting of intervals on the road and exercise bikes, hill reps and other unpleasant things, I‘m trying to get out on several long distance rides before the race, and would like to reward myself by going through some nice country and ride in new places.

Tentative Pre Convict Training Rides
To complement my Convict 100 training consisting of intervals on the road and exercise bikes, hill reps and other unpleasant things, I‘m trying to get out on several long distance rides before the race, and would like to reward myself by going through some nice country and ride in new places.

Bit more training 'stuff'
Hi all - just a quick note to say that I've written #2 of the training blog thingo.....
Hope you find it useful, or at least interesting!