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night ride

night rides in Northern Sydney (Hornsby area)
Hi all,
Looking to do some night rides this winter.
Got a sick new light want to make use of.
Anyone know of some good trails near Hornsby ?
(Apparently not cool to do night rides at old mans valley)
Any body else keen or know of some organized rides in Northern Sydney area?
Anyone heading out regular and wouldn't mind a tag along?
Are the regular Terry Hills rides still still happening?
Cheers Dan

Night Riding - decent trails
Troops - just looking for general info on night riding and decent trails.
I was thinking of trying Muppets/sniggle etc. Is there any etiquette in this part of the world or just go for your life??
(keeping noise down being the obvious rule of thumb)

Terrey Hills Wednesday Dawn Social
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Park outside Terrey Hills Tavern on the street.
Until Wednesday the weather will have cleared up, the trails will be dry and we will have a great ride on Perimeter and Long Trail followed by a cold beer on a balmy night!
Maybe if we all together really, really believe in it, it will happen!

Wednesday Night Social Ride
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Street Parking in front of Terrey Hills Tavern.
it's been a long time since I have been on a Wed night social!
In order to revive this great tradition, I thought we might try an easy combination of Duck Holes, Centre, Perimeter and Long Trail, wash the smoke and ashes down with a beer at the turning point on Long Trail and be back at the Tavern before the kitchen closes :-)
Well, I guess we monitor how the West Head closures develops and decide the ride on the day.

Terrey Hills Night Ride
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Park opposite/beside Terrey Hills shops, corner Booralie Rd/Yulong Ave. Or in the small carpark next to the RFS station & community centre.
Let's try that again...
The Mont is on in couple of weeks.
I haven't riden on dirt since that crash at Appin in January. I rode at Ourimbah on Saturday and it's clear more dirt is required quick smart!
Have just got back from couple week holiday.
Haven't used lights on the bike since... must be the Scott?
All this tells me it's time for a night ride at Terrey Hills to make sure the lights are still working.and make sure I can still ride on the dirt before going up to GNR

Night exploration of Lidsdale
Tuesday 9/3/2010
OK here are the plots of our ride last night.
We got a little lost looking for the first section of Single Trail and had a bit of a bush walk. Glenn has since been banned from leading any ride ever again.... But it's all good and part of the adventure that is MTBing and besides it found us new bits to ride.
The Squiggles (I did a quick lap of this to map it, before we started the main ride)
Glens mystery tour
The second moto loop
Ego's Not a Dirty Word

Terrey Hills Night Ride
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Park opposite/beside Terrey Hills shops, corner Booralie Rd/Yulong Ave. Or in the small carpark next to the RFS station & community centre.
Binned due to bad weather - it's not looking like the balmy night I'd hoped. Reports are that there has been constant drizzle/rain so imagine even if DH/C are good, Perimeter will be a soggy mess. No-one seems that keen so ride cancelled. Sorry if this catches you unaware.
Oooh look...
The Mont is on in couple of weeks.
I haven't riden on dirt since that crash at Appin in January.
Have just got back from couple week holiday.
Haven't used lights on the bike since... must be the Scott?

Ourimbah night fun
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
North End of Red Hill Rd, Ourimbah State Forest. There's a large-ish parking area here, just off the main sealed road. There is also a smaller parking area a little further (400m or so from the road) where the trail splits - this second area is the usual meeting point. If you end up driving up a steep hill you've gone too far.

top night for a ride
Well sure the wind was strong enough to blow a dog off it's chain but still a great night for a ride if you could find shelter from the wind.
And a couple of my old favs were on the hit list.
First up a gentle cruise up Hassans Walls before linking up the Ewok and Townhouses trails.
And then, feeling energised it was back up for a run down Ch6
Even a little chopped up by motos and with the occasional branch across the track it's still grin factor +10