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Rob's picture

Riding (or spectating) options for the coming weekend

Yee har

Time to take a quick look at your various mountain bike options this weekend - Sep 28/29 if you're reading this late Eye-wink

Early Saturday morning, for those that fancy a trip an hour or so up the road there's Geoff's Ourimbah Burn ride. I'm guessing this is just a warm up for him, because as he explained in another post...

I'm participating in the Great Cycle Challenge throughout October, I have pledged to ride 1000km for the month in support of the fight against children's cancer.

Good on ya Geoff! To show support, why not go have a couple of laps on Saturday, or online, see:

Closer to home, on Sunday there's Hawkeye's Duck Holes, Centre, Perimeter, St Ives Sniggle & return. Sounds like a nice little loop... I might even show up Eye-wink

Finally, if you're wondering about the image, don't forget that on Sunday the 2013 NSWMTB State DH Championships are being run up on Hassans Walls. Our good mate Flynny from CTMBC is running around like a headless chook with all the last minute preparations but asked us to pass on this invite...

Feel free to come on up and see why the states best downhill mountain bikers love coming to Lithgow. Great action packed weekend with plenty of spills and thrills for spectators all for the cost of a donation for parking.

Parking is within the Lithgow Pony Club grounds in Sheedies Gully, just off Hassans Walls rd.

So there you go. Riding or watching, get out there and enjoy Smiling

Rob's picture

Knapsack DH officially opens this Saturday!

Knapsack DH Jumping

Please excuse the cross-post, but our friends over in BMORC have some great news worth spreading - The Knapsack Reserve DH track will officially open this weekend.

This Saturday the 21st at 9:30am Blue Mountains Council will be doing the official opening ceremony of the Knapsack DH track. This should include some councillors and BMCC officials and staff that have been involved or interested in the project.

Meet either at the gate on Barnett St of Lovers Walk or at the Trail head sign at the track head at 9:45am.

As if riders keen for some gravity fuelled action needed more encouragement, their post (see Official Opening of Knapsack DH This Saturday 21st September) mentions they are trying to get a BBQ going too.

Get on up there and enjoy!

Rob's picture

Reminder: Terrey Hills Perimeter Trail closed until October 18

Early Morning Ride

Given the popularity of the Perimeter Trail at Terrey Hills, it's probably worth highlighting yesterday's trail status update (and discussion: Long and Perim trails closing for 6 weeks from Sept 4).

That is, NPWS are conducting maintenance on the Perimeter Trail which will be closed between intersections with the Long Trail and Smiths Creek Trail until October 18. This effectively makes trying to use the Perimeter Trail pointless.

That is, except for riders who are still keen to ride the Long Track, who can start at the West end of Perimeter (eg. take Mallawa Rd then Bulara St to the trail head).

If you rarely venture that way, it is a nice change and an opportunity to head along Cullamine Track and do the Duffys Track (Slades Lookout) out and back perhaps. Throw Cowan out and back in as well, or explore some of the lesser known fire trails South of Booralie Road (Sandy, etc) and you've got yourself a pretty decent ride.

P.S. Thanks to Brian for great photo: midweek sunrise at the end of the Long Track. Gee, some people are keen! Eye-wink

Rob's picture

Give back to the trails by coming on a dig day! Plus weed spread prevention.


There's a fair chance that many reading this will have had a blast on their local trails this weekend. That's all good, but did you ever wonder who put those trails there in the first place? Yes, yes... I'm sure many of you already know the answer: the mythical Trail Fairies Eye-wink

Good as those fairies are though, sometimes they need a hand in their work. So we're just putting a gentle request out there: please consider coming along to help out on one of the upcoming maintenance days.

RSVP to a dig day organised by your local land manager, show up and lend a hand. Hard work, but more fun than you'd think. And there's nothing more satisfying than riding on a track that you helped maintain or improve.

A reminder of trail days coming up in the next few weeks:

OMV Maintenance Session - Sat 7 Sep @ 2pm
Yellomundee RP - track maintenance - Sat 14 Sep @ 8:30am
Manly Dam - trail maintenance afternoon - Sat 21 Sep @ 1pm

Preventing Weed Spread

While we're on the topic of trail care, there's been some new talk in the forum about weed spread. See Phytophthora cinnamomi.(dieback). This might be a good time to mention that weeds and other nasties can be spread between trails when picked up on your bike. Land managers like National Parks & Mt Annan Botanical Garden are always keen to communicate the message of prevention:

  • Try to avoid riding in wet conditions, which cause more mud/debris to cling to your bike.
  • Always wash your bike/shoes/etc. after riding.
  • Preferably wash your bike at the trail head - keep the soil you picked up in the area.
  • Preferably disinfect your bike by spraying with 70% methylated spirits diluted with water.
  • If you prefer to wash your bike at home, do so on a hard surface away from grass, etc.
Rob's picture

Join a ride: Sat @ Manly Dam, Sun @ Terrey Hills

Below is a preview, click to read the full post

Old timers

If you're in Sydney and looking out of the window right now things might look very promising for the weekend, but... the forecast is good so it's time to think about where to ride.

Last week we asked, Where are you riding this weekend?

This week we give thanks to those who share their plans in advance in the calendar, inviting others along for the ride. That's exactly what this site is about. Getting out there, having fun, meeting new people.

Is there any better way to explain that then to take a look at the smiling 'old time' faces from a group ride at Manly Dam last weekend. Looked like a perfect day all round!

So why not join a ride at Manly Dam Saturday Morning or Terrey hills / St Ives on Sunday? Announce your intent by clicking the "...change to show you're in" link on the meeting page. If these don't suit, everyone is welcome to post up their plans if they'd like some company.

And again, thanks to the ride posters, and please keep it up. Remember - if you don't get any takers just keep trying - there's plenty of guys out there reading this who may join you next time.

Hans's picture

Volunteers needed for Bikes 4 Life workshop, 28th July, 171 Gibbs Street. Chatswood

Below is a preview, click to read the full post

Join our bike fixing workshop for "Bikes 4 Life" - on 28th July, at 171 Gibbs Street, Chatswood (northern End, behind Bunnings).

No special skills or tools required - if you can pump up a tyre, you can help. Come for an hour, or come for the day. Tools, Lunch and Music is provided. This event is organised by Chris, one of our local Northern Beaches MTB'ing mates. So far he and his volunteers have collected, fixed up and sent over 400 bikes to needy people in remote communities in Africa and Australia.

Justin's picture

For those that commute

Slightly off-topic however a lot of folks here commute as well as MTB - have done a survery of winter commuter riding in Sydney, have a look at the video on Rideable

Rob's picture

Garigal NP/Bantry Bay Proposed Trails - Act Now!

There have been a couple of threads go up on the form about this, but this is actually big, BIG news so please take note.

NPWS have out for comment some proposed amendments to Garigal National Park plan of management. These include construction of a Mountain Bike Track Bantry Bay. Ie. a step closer to the long awaited authorised access to this area.

It's in everyone's interest to get behind this... which is as easy as visiting this page...

Review of Environmental Factors for The Construction of a Mountain Bike Track Bantry Bay Garigal National Park

... and completing the form with some words like, "I'm a keen parks user who fully supports the proposal to create sustainable mountain bike trails at Bantry Bay, and anywhere else in the Sydney's suburban parks for that matter.". Of course, don't use those exact words, but you get the gist.

More details and discussion in these threads (comments on this news item are intentionally disabled):

NPWS Bantry Bay Proposed Trails - Open for Comment - NEW NORTHERN BEACHES MTB TRAILS
NPWS Release of docos for public exhibition (AND COMMENT)

Rob's picture

NSW NPWS Surveys

I know this has been discussed already, but a timely reminder that there are just a few days left to complete the Berowra Valley National Park & Regional Park Survey at this address:

The old Plan of Management is currently being updated. We would like to gauge the public’s interest and general themes for the park to guide the draft plan. We encourage you to provide your feedback via the following survey monkey. Feedback closes 12 May 2013.

Now also might be a good time to mention the Landscape Values Institute is still live and can be found here:

Happy surveying! Eye-wink

Winco's picture

OMV (a.k.a. Hornsby MTB Park) is now officially open to the general public

OMV (a.k.a. Hornsby MTB Park) is now officially open to the general public.

Best Mountain Bike