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NoBMoB Chat

Rob's picture

Take care with roof mounted bike carriers

We've all done it... forgotten the bike is on the roof and driven into a carpark, garage, etc.

This is probably the worst picture I've seen of such an occasion though. Ouch!

BIGnige's picture

Serrata video

Hi guys thought this might be of interest.
I shot it on our second lap.
There's a cross fade in the middle where I edited out me not riding the big roll offs.

dougm111's picture

St Ives trails - Time for One-Way?

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I’m sure many of us have had some close calls on the St Ives single track and often though it’s bound to happen one day! Well on Sunday it happened to me . Thankfully no collision or injury, but it will cost me some $$$$$.

I don’t find the sniggle between the nursery and the show grounds an issue because speeds are quite low and with all the trees felled, visibility is pretty good. However, between the show grounds and the fork in the road for Muppets and Epiphany it’s a bit of a different story.

Rob's picture

For those heading to NZ: Cadrona lifts open to bikes in December

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I just noticed this in the news. If you're planning a trip to UnZud over the holidays maybe it's worth a look?

They do say there will be some XC trails but I'd imagine it's mainly gravity orientated.

The ‘Cardrona Bike Park’ will open for 10 days in total, from Dec 27th – 31st and from January 3rd – 7th. The Whitestar Chairlift will operate daily from 10am-4pm offering lift accessed trails for Downhill mountain biking enthusiasts.

Looks a little nippy Eye-wink

hawkeye's picture

35C+ and humid. Too hot to ride? Maybe not. Maybe there's an upside...

Came across this reference to heat training in a Cycling Tips webisode today. I thought "WTF?"

So I did a little digging.

Apparently it's used in AFL, and not just for getting ready for playing in hot conditions.

welltired's picture

MTBA - Do they have it backward?

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Just a bunch of random thoughts. Sorry for the length or if it comes across ranty.

Would MTBA be better off focussing on the entry level and maintenance of numbers, rather than discussing the fiscal and governmental side of funding?

I just read the most recent newsletter:

ADtheglorious's picture

OMV suitable for kids on BMX?

Is OMV suitable for kiddies on BMX bikes??

hawkeye's picture

Travel Insurance

Having to help the guy who busted his collarbone at OMV last weekend has spooked me a little with the thought "what if that happened to me" while overseas in Rotorua.

So I'm wondering what you guys who are more experienced with mtbing overseas have done to cover this risk, and who you've found to be good.

Bikeboy's picture

Adelaide Trails

Hi All ,

Has anybody got any Must do trails to ride in Adelaide as i am here for work and have found someone who hires out reasonable Hardtails .
Not so much interested in techy stuff , Eagle mtb park ??, but where else is a good flowy well marked trail to ride

Any help appreciated


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