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NoBMoB Chat

jerome's picture

the gong ride!

anyone keen on signing up to the gong ride with us, raising money for
MS, so its $40 to sign in but i reckon its worth it

chris band's picture


Hi Adrian have a Happy Birthday at Belrose Bicycles
from Dad and Mum

LadyToast's picture

Scummers - what's in a name?

Or more precisely, where did the nick name "scummers" come from? I've been looking all over the net, and even asked some roadies... put me out of my misery Smiling

LadyToast's picture

Free ride finds another gear - Red Bull Rampage 2008

Sorry if this has been posted elsewhere but WTF is this all about!!!!

Even if you do survive the cliff face drop, the run in, even if you do actually hit the ramp, you then have too ... argh, I can't even think about it. Someone is going to die!

Brian's picture

Different Leg Lengths

Below is a preview, click to read the full post

After having intermittent inner right knee pain for a while I decided to get myself of to the physio for some advice. As I actually didn't have any pain during the visit he gave me the once over and checking my joints and flexibility. To no surprise I require regular stretching and just need to monitor it and see how it goes.

One thing he did say though is my right leg is about 10-15mm longer then my left one. He said this is quite normal and nothing to worry about but is this something I need to look into regarding bike set up?

staffe's picture

Big CD collection found at manly dam last saturday

A local resident asked me if I knew anyone who lost his large CD collection at the Hydraulics lab car park last Saturday (28/09). I promised to post it on this site to see if we can locate the owner.

So, if it is yours or you know who lost it please PM me and I'll forward the contact details of the guy.


woftt's picture

Wingello State Forest - map

Hi - I am staying in the Southern Highlands this w/e and was planning on riding the Forest section of the Fling.

Q. Does anybody know where I can download or get hold of a good map?

Q. Is the trail well marked?

Q. Does anybody know how long this takes roughly - I think its about 50+ klms?


Hasbeen Racing's picture

A big Thank You

A big Thank You to the young guy from Pedals Plus that gave me the chain link at Manly Dam yesterday morning. Saved me trying to drill that pin back in.

Damien's picture

29er Talk

Salsa Selma 29er

Theres been a bit of talk about 29er's and single speeds lately this is just what you guys all need in fact I think I might need one too but strictly for racing. Salsa say the frame only will be available early next year time to start saving.

Alex's picture

awaba help?

any awaba peeps on here know of the status of the DH course? rideable, chains etc for monday? change of plan from stromlo and want to check out awaba now any info would be appreciated!

Best Mountain Bike