You are hereManly Dam update for 05 Jan

Manly Dam update for 05 Jan

obmal's picture

By obmal - Posted on 05 January 2011

Manly Dam


Do you have more information?

If you've ridden here lately please add a more recent report. This will be useful even if the condition is the same as updates expire after 30 days.
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Please do not update this post with such information - post a new update with the link above.

cRAZY Canuck's picture

Got caught in the rain storm last night and it absolutly poured on us and dumped a good amont of rain on the trail. Couple it with this mornings rain and it might need 24hrs to dry out a bit, althought it was really dry when we started the ride so it might have survived.

Rob's picture

Hey guys,

Please don't post updates as comments on older updates - just post a new update. Only the latest one is used for the traffic lights.

Cheers Smiling

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