You are hereDuck Hole/Terrey Hills Trail update for 22 Jan

Duck Hole/Terrey Hills Trail update for 22 Jan

hawkeye's picture

By hawkeye - Posted on 22 January 2012


Very wet, but hey... it's a fire trail. Still eminently rideable, ploughing through the middle of the puddles offers the firmest line. Take it easy on the descents, lots of loose rocks scattered all over by the water flow.

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hawkeye's picture

And here you can see for yourself. Try not to fall asleep - still getting my fitness back Eye-wink

Black Flash's picture

Its a bumpy little track at the mo. How did ur shoulder hold out?

hawkeye's picture

Shoulder's good. Smiling

Main limiter at the moment is lower back - trying to regain the core stability and endurance that I've lost over the last 12 weeks is a slooooow process.

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