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Geek Gear (GPS/Comps/Lights/etc.)
Zephyr BioHarness BT
Wow... forget your simply heart rate monitor, this thing records... well... check the features:
- Bluetooth Connectivity
- Configurable Output
- Heart Rate 25 – 240 BPM (±1 BPM)
- Breathing Rate 3 – 70 BPM (±1BPM)
- IR Skin Temperature 10 – 60 °C (±0.1°C)
- Position/posture ± 180°
- Activity in VMU
- 3 axis Acceleration to 16g
- Skin Conductance Level
- Red / Orange / Green subject status indication
- Transmit and/or Logging Modes
- 250Hz ECG Logging
- 125Hz Accelerometer Logging
- USB connectivity for data download
- 570 hours data storage
Bit Map – topographic maps App
Anyone using the App called Bit Map for iPhone?
… I personally do, and it's good stuff.
You don't get the maps with the App, so you'll need to get them and install them.
I've find them, I install them… with pain, so happy to explain if someone is interested.
Not sure if this comes under geek gear, but it's electronic so here you go.
Regarding this story in the SMH...
... this climber only seems to have been saved as they were carrying an PLB (well, the story says, "a locator beacon").
Yes, yes, it's never going to happen to you, but consider a worst case scenario:
Magic Shine Charger
I recently bought a Magic Shine 1400 light from Deal Xtreme and I'm having trouble with the charger (ie not working at all)!
I dropped it from a small height and since then nada. I prised the plug pack open to find what looks to be a small non replaceable fuse broken and some scorch marks. A few questions I have are,
- Could this be related to the battery recall talked about recently?
- Can a generic charger be bought from Jaycar or the like?
- Does anyone else who purchased one of these fine pieces of engineering have a charger that they no longer need or use?
WTF? Garmin Connect now using Microsoft Bing Maps
I feel like I've been slapped in the face. When did this happen? Bing maps are horrible, It's like opening your present at Christmas and getting ... dog poo.
Bring back Google maps!
Magicshine issues
Even more reason to pony up the extra cashola for the Klites...
[Mod. moved to Geek Gear]
Bike Airbag
Forget helmets - the Hovding airbag collar has been designed to provide the safety aspects of a helmet without destroying your hair style. Check out the video!
Bike computer
I've been using my iPhone with MotionX GPS to track my rides although it's not giving me what I want... And I've scratched my shiny new iPhone 4... Grrr
Anyway looking to get a bike computer. I'm very keen to get something with GPS that can map my rides. Apart from that want the standard abilitybto see my current speed, ride time, average speed etc. Would Luke to see something with altitude and if possible a heart rate monitor.
After a bit of online research it looks like the Garmin 500 is a good option.
Couple of questions;
Is the Garmin 500 a good option
Garmin acquire MetriGear
What has this go to do with us you might ask? Well, MetriGear developed a really cool power meter that sits in the pedal shaft.
One can hope for power stats for each leg, and on the up/down stroke, etc. Well, I am anyhow... so long as the price is right